
Why did Eminem use Slim Shady as his nickname?

by Guest45362  |  earlier

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I just want to know what's the meaning of Slim Shady and what does it mean to Eminem.




  1. Marshall Bruce Mathers III was born on the 17th October 1972 in Kansas City.

    Marshall lived a quite life and was the top of his class all through grade school. Marshall had a fetish for M&M's. He would sort them into piles according to color and keep them in seperate jars in his bedroom.

    Marshall's first attempt at rapping was in 1982 at the age of ten.

    His friend banged on pots and pans while he belted a song he entitled "I COLOR OUTSIDE THE LINES."

    At age 17 M&M  (now EMINEM) changed the spelling of his name and began taking his rapping talents seriously. Eminem's first big debut was the SLIM SHADEY LP... which was produced by Dr. Dre and Dr. Dre's brother Donald Dre DDS.

    When asked the significance of "Slim Shady" at the Hoboken Musical Festival in 2000; Marshal simply stated "Slim Shady sounded cool so I stuck with it."

    Hope this helps.

  2. His Shady meaning like Crooked cant really trust sort of thing, and Slim cuz his skinny  

  3. so hey can have to markets. just like 50 cent!! its good so when 1 rap about drug and stuff the other can rap about life things. best answer?

  4. because he's not a fat black rapper!

    google it!

  5. eminem is skinny (slim) and he wants to be black (shady)

    slim shady

  6. according to a website he used it to express his rougher, meaner, alter-ego. haha thats weird

  7. i dont no

  8. I don't think it has a real meaning but I love Eminem!  

  9. I don't know, but when you play the song backwards, it sounds like hes saying "It's Eminem, it's Eminem!" The coolest thing ever, go look it up!

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