
Why did Europe have no single government during the Middle Ages?

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i really need an answer so please if you know post it.




  1. This is my answer to a very similiar question :P Hope it helps you.

    Note: It talks about single governments of independant countries (i got a bit carried away lol) but the second paragraph is totally relevant.

    There was a system of government in the middle ages, this being the monarchy. The King ruled all of his kingdom with the ultimate decision, with the exception of the Pope and Papacy. Through the Feudal system Kings gave land to the knights and barons, who then passed this on down the ladder. Each person promised their lord a favour in return for their generosity. Anyway, the reason that there was not a form of modern time government (democracy and communism are the most common, republics to) is because there was no need for change, people were content with their lives in medieval times. In the french revolution, you see the peasants revolt against a monarchy - one of the instances in which they attempted to overthrow his rule.

    ALTHOUGH the King ruled his own country. There were numerous different Catholic nations in Europe during the middle ages and several of them were constantly at war. Take the Holy Roman Empire and France. Whenever there is conflict there cannot be peace. A whole of Europe unified under one government would crack under pressure from neighbouring hostile factions. Europe had no single government because it would be extremely hard to manage, keep control and keep the peace. Once war breaks out between two sides this is not easily forgiven and forgotten, and although the occupants of Europe were catholic, this didnt mean they liked eachother. A one government Europe would cause Political instability, arguments between laws and diplomatic relations not to mention civilian riots for independence of their own culture and country. A Europe under a single government would be ungovernable. If various countries become one, then they can't trade between eachother, who else would they be able to trade with? The infidels in the east? The orthodox believers? Government were kept seperate because everyone wanted their independance and were loyal to their empire. They were proud of their history and when you think about it there really was no need to unify Europe under one government. In a sense the Pope had power over all catholic nations because he was connected to god (also he had the ability to excommunicate blasphemous people)- but catholic countries only ever co-operated under an alliance, peace treaty or during a crusade. Anyway Good Luck

  2. Europe doesn't have a single government even in the present. People were separated geographically. Most people did not know how to read. Many different languages were spoken. Different types of government existed, dictatorships, monarchies, feudal territories. The only way any information could be disseminated was only so fast as a horse could run.  

  3. because it was stuck in Feudalism, constant invasions from the vikings, the muslims, the mongals, didnt help europe establish a more secure government all around, right when the Rome fell and its capital fell into the hands of the Islamic empire, thats when europe lost all of its ideas and went back for a while until the crusades brought back the ideas it had lost.

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