
Why did Fox Sports stop using the Highlighted puck for Hockey games?

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When Fox Sports were telecasting the NHL, they had the technology to follow the puck where ever it goes. Why did they get rid of it, and why did they not sell the technology with the other networks? Because i think that the NHL will have a lot more fans if they brought it back because not everyone could see that small black circular puck on TV.




  1. Dude....

    Reasoning like that is why Canadian fans will ALWAYS tease you.

    The puck is black.. the ice is white... why is it so difficult for you guys to follow the puck?

  2. It was a gimmick that true hockey fans hated. Not to mention that since Fox no longer carries the NHL. It would be hard for them to continue to use it.

  3.   If you couldn't follow it you are either blind or trying to view the game on a 2" screen. It was a gimmick that took away from the game and was a distraction.

  4. ^ All of the above!

  5. Not only did it look ridiculous, but a lot of kids would be taken to live games and wonder why the puck didn't glow.  It was like Prohibition: A great idea that didn't work.

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