
Why did Fred miss the point so obviously?

by  |  earlier

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When the refs blow calls, so what? It happens all the time but its the amount they are missing now that is the point...and how long they take to review plays is rediculous now.......learn your cfl history fred or you look stupid.

My team is doing great fred, first in the EAst

and they are the 2nd most successful franchise in CFL history.

1/3 of the time approx they have made it to the Grey cup, and only Edmonton has done better. Not even Boronto has made it that many times as the Argos.




  1. If you really think you know so darn much, go be a ref.  Put your money where your mouth is, and show us how the job should be done.  

    And, as I said, the time to review calls is set by the league, not the refs.   That is the reason we see a timer on-screen during the review.

    The rule book is written by the league, not the refs.  

    The league also reviews the officiating on a regular basis, and issues the orders telling refs how closely to call the rules.  If you knew football, you would know that.

    I would bet a year's wages I have been watching football longer than you have been alive, but I don't work for a wage.  I took early retirement because I have enough money in the bank I don't have to work if I don't feel like it.

    Thank you for thinking I am so important to to your very existence that I deserve my own thread.  But i'm still not sending you a Christmas card.

    I leave my e-mail open to contact because I enjoy contact, even intelligent debate.  You make no friends by trying to insult people in the forums and in e-mail.

  2. I think I gotta line up with Fred here.  His points were valid.  First off, if you've never officiated any sport then you have no idea how hard it is.  I've refereed hockey and umpired baseball and let me tell you it's tough out there.  Plays happen bang-bang and you have to interpret what you see hundreds of times correctly.  When was the last time you were perfect on a test?

    As for long reviews.  Why, if you're complaining about them not getting it right are you also complaing that they take a long time to get it right?  Make up your mind.  Do you want fast or right?

    My last point is more advice.  Calling a specific person out on the boards here is a no-no.  You may get away with it here but there are plenty of categories that the report happy freaks frequent and they most likely would have flagged this question.

    I'm glad to see people supporting the CFL.  I still think for the most part it's definitely more exciting than the NFL.  It just lacks the spit and polish of the huge marketing juggernaut of the No Fun League.

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