
Why did GW pick John Roberts to Supreme Court Chief?

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Without getting political, was it unusual for GW Bush to pick an outsider, John G. Roberts, Jr., as the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court instead of someone who has been ON the court for many years and "paid their dues"? Is this unusual? Is there a protocol for this sort of thing, or precedent? Would the other justices be offended and hold grudges against Roberts? Personally, I feel he could have selected a member who had been there already, and just picked Roberts as a member. I have looked all over the web for any info, but can't seem to find much.




  1. he picked him because he's a religious right wing him.

    He was hoping John Roberts would reverse RvW.

    Bush has a habit of selecting people for high power positions simply because he's aquainted with them or they are uber religious... rather than their qualifications.

  2. Originally, Justice Roberts was to be replacing Justice O'Connor, but before he could be confirmed, Chief Justice Rehnquist died.  As he had not been confirmed, President Bush opted to make Justice Roberts his nominee for Chief Justice, and he was confirmed in his hearings.

    At first, President Bush nominated White House Council Harriet Miers to replace Justice O'Connor in Justice Roberts' place, but she withdrew due to severe backlash even among Republicans.  He then nominated Samuel Alito, who was confirmed.

    If other justices were offended, it may show in some areas, but most justices are aware that it is the President who makes the nominations for the Supreme Court, even for promotion to Chief Justice.

  3. Because he is a lockstep, predictable right-wing-nut-case who will vote as expected on all cases.

  4. Cause he owns him, and will give him the one extra vote he needs to start removing our Constitutional rights one by one.

    Don't look for proof when the obvious is usually in plain sight.

  5. Beacuse Roberts is a conservative and very religious. He was chosen also because he is a very young man, as far as The Supremes go, and will be Chief Justice for many years aftr GWB is gone, so Bush's influence will be felt on The Court for many years to come.

    All the current ones on the court are old and will not be in the court more than 5-10 years. Roberts could be there 30 years

  6. He picked John Roberts because he had no baggage. If he had picked a setting justice to head the court he would have had a hard time getting him confirmed. The others had a record to defend but Roberts had none.If you have not done anything then you don't have a record to defend. Roberts made sure he did nothing on the record so he would have nothing to defend.Gw picked him because he knew the liberals had nothing to use against him. It was a matter of getting him confirmed with out a fight.

  7. Then as always, GWB was just doing what he was told to do.

  8. Roberts was an appellate judge and the post was open.

  9. Mr. Bush would certainly not pick any of the liberal justices, nor the swing voter, Kennedy.  Of the true conservatives on the bench, none wanted to be Chief Justice.  According to Mr. Scalia, it is just a lot of administrative work.

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