
Why did George Hitler bush sign a bill like this one?

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WASHINGTON (AFP) - US President George W. Bush on Monday signed into law a 162-billion-dollar spending bill funding the Afghanistan and Iraq wars well into 2009 -- roughly six months into his successor's term.




  1. Because when it comes to the war it doesn't matter who you vote for, both are keeping troops in Iraq.

    The only difference is McCain is being honest about it.

  2. There will only be chaos if we pull out of Iraq, we need to stay the course.

  3. The Congress passed it with overwhelming BI-PARTISAN support.  Bush signed it.

    Anyone who opposed it is in a small minority of people who are out of step with the overwhelming majority of Americans who understand the importance of this legislation and support it.

    Most people also find it unacceptable in civil discourse to invoke the use of HItler's name.  Public figures who do it in anger generally apologize for it after public scorn.

    Posting anonymously isn't an excuse for such behavior.

    Please think before hitting the "post" button.

  4. Bush doesn't create bills. He can only sign them.  Why did the Democrat-controlled Congress create such a bill if it isn't something that Bush should want to sign?  I thought part of their promise was to end the war once they controlled Congress.

  5. maybe it was simply something he wanted. have you ever thought it was just his intention? There's no secret to it, it was what he did and hopefully it can be undone. Can't it?

  6. I guess it is because the "talk the talk" democrats passed it.


  7. Why would the Dem controlled House and Senate send it to him to sign?

  8. Because, they want Bush to fail, so they can take over and Put Obama in control. The dems know how to destory the repulican party!

  9. Easy, Congress is funding the war and so Bush signs the bill to pay the military for their service overseas and for the equipment needed.

  10. I'm sorry - I have never heard of George Hitler.

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