
Why did Georgia attack South Ossetia in the first place?

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I'm trying to figure out how it all started.




  1. Think of Russia and USA as body guards.

    And think of Georgia and Ossteia as rotten little kids who hate each other. USA is Georgia's body guard and Russia is Ossteia's body guard.

    Georgia has been kicking Ossteia in the ***. Russia stood up and hit Georgia over the head with a lead pipe. USA is now going over to pick up Georgia off the ground.

    Georgia and Ossetia where on the same soccer team. But Osstia wants to play for a different team. Georgia thinks that Osstia has no right to decide for its self what team it wants to play on because Osstia is a good forward and Georgia would be hurting if he lost Osstia.

    Unfortunely for Georgia and Ossetia, their body guards are an even match so they will may need to bring some of their friends in on the next fight. This is where WW3 begins.

  2. S. Ossetia since the end of the Soviet Union has never wanted to be part of Georgia - ethnically they are linked to peoples within the Russian Federation.  Russia resents Georgia cosying up to the USA, and their present hotheaded president who is not particularly democratic -  he used considerable force to subdue a recent anti-government demonstation in Tbilisi. There are a lot of double standards going on here - Russia brutally suppresses Chechnya but supports S Ossetia in its secession from Georgia.  The USA lectures Russia about intervening to protect those in S. Ossetia when Georgia tried to regain control but has launched an illegal war in Iraq and recognised Kosova's wish to leave Serbia - no problem with that secession!.  It is all about power politics and oil of course, and the ordinary people, as ever suffer the most. Interesting questions - 1. Did Russia goad Georgia to attack in order to give them a bloody nose? 2. Did USA encourage Georgia to attack knowing Russia would respond forcibly and hence increase support especially with the EU for Georgia to join NATO. Is the whole thing a cunning ploy to get McCain, the new gung-ho war candidate elected in the USA as the defender of liberty???!!


    im still reading into it, but i found these sights interesting.

  4. The crazy Georgian tyran forgot history..they would have been speaking Turkish and praying in mosques for the last 150 years  if not Russia...Noway Russia wants anything there but protect its citizens..Mr. Bush  should have cared better of the unseparated borders of Serbia instead of supporting the 3d generation of Albanian muslims in Kosovo. Why the h**l the Ossetinians have fewer rights?

  5. to send a message to the russians.

  6. I have been looking into it as well. I'm not completely sure about all of this, but here is what I have gathered so far.

    South Ossetia is within Georgia. However, most of the inhabitants in South Ossetia are Russians. I'm hearing that Russia may have been making trouble (bombing, firepower) for a couple of months now and so Georgia sent in their troops and fought back. Some people say that Russia has been trying to stir things up and get the Georgian military involved so that Russia can have an excuse to send in their own troops. This all so they can to take ahold of South Ossetia (which has a good majority of its citizens already) or possibly even take over Georgia. When Georgia sent their troops in, things got nasty. Quite a few Russian citizens were killed in the squabble. This made Russia mad and craving for vengeance. And so that is where we are. Russia moving into Georgia bombing away, saying that they will back off and end the fighting, but not living up to their word.

    I'm not sure if all this is right, but maybe it can give you a bit more insight. Anyways, hope I helped!

  7. For the same reason the north attacked the south in the war between the states in the USA. The south tried to break away and form their own country.

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