
Why did Gilbert Godfried say Bob Saget raped and killed a girl in the 90s at the Comedy Central Roast?

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Did anyone watch the Bob Saget roast last night? When Gilbert Godfried first went up there to start roasting Bob Saget he said something about Bob Saget having raped and killed a girl in 1990. He repeated it like 3 times. I'd never heard that before. It's not true is it? Was it just something Gilbert Godfried made up that night or is it like an old rumor or something?




  1. The entire thing was 3 hours but comedy central only showed about 70 minutes of it....they didn't even show the funniest parts

  2. Even if it was a joke I think it was in very poor taste to say something like that on national tv.

  3. Well he already served his time and his parole is over.  According to the courts he is reformed.

    i still wouldn't let him date my sister.  But he is a good babysitter though.

  4. isnt bob saget from full house.. if thats the guy im thinking off he is a total loser.. he is not funny and should be in jail rapist.............

  5. I thought it was just about as stupid as the Bob Saget is g*y song and every joke that Norm MacDonald told.  Now Cloris Leachman, she was funny!

    Funny just checked to see what would happen in a google search and there 9800 pages now that have a reference to this.  WAY to GO Gilbert...  The other funnier than Gilbert moment was when Bob said the line about picking up little boys using the voice of the parrot from Aladdin.  NOW THAT WAS FUNNY!!!

  6. dude its a roast...which means its a joke...u need to watch the whole thing.

  7. Do you even know what a roast is? Really that is just a dumb question. Did you watch the whole thing? I mean really. Get a clue.

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