
Why did God choose Elron Hubbard to deliver his message?

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I'm not a scientoligist.......What does god say about judging?




  1. He was cheap. All the other prophets wanted hazard pay because they kept getting persecuted/killed.

    Unfortunately you get what you pay for.

  2. there is absolutely no hope for you at all!

  3. If you ever get a chance, get a copy of the book "Bare Faced Messiah", a good account of the REAL story of L. Ron Hubbard. In many ways, it is even stranger and more fascinating then the official line. But it is undeniable that he was a prolific science fiction writer, and he incorporated those fantasies into the Scientology scam, which bleeds people of all their money, while basically giving them some simple self-help type stuff, which you can for just about free from any bookstore.

    Moreover, it is filled with the most idiotic psychological ideas, which have been discredited over and over again. For example, if as a mother you say you hope you have a "sweet girl", the unborn embryo could hear it, and accidentally become diabetic.

    I've always felt that it is an absolute disgrace that this mercenary unscrupulous bunch of shysters managed to get tax-free status as a religion, even though they do no social work at all.  

  4. Who is Elron Hubbard? Or do you mean L. Ron Hubbard..  

  5. lol it's L. Ron Hubbard, but regardless...

    Scientology is not a religion based on God.  It's Gnostic, Satanistic.  Scientology isn't a message from God.

  6. God chose Jesus to deliver his Message, who chose the Apostles, and on and on.

    L. Ron Hubbard is not on that list!

    Hubbard is a Charlatan

  7. Maybe only God can satisfy such inquiry. If he is really chosen to do that then bring it on...but it takes two to validate such claim. the chosen and most significantly the One who chose.

  8. He is a sci-fi star wars..he had a became an obsession that got out of hand.

    Now he has a cult that follows him...not God

  9. Xenu picked him.  God picked Xenu to rule the universe.

  10. I always laugh when christians dismiss scientology for being a ridiculous story, like an imaginary person born of a virgin who walked on water and rose from the dead makes more sense.  ah ha ha.   and some dude thousands of years, who was not on drugs, talked to a bush.  ah ha ha.  and children who make fun of bald men should be ripped to shreds by a bear.  lol.

  11. Kidding, right?

  12. God, being a fiction, did nothing of the sort.  Furthermore, L. Ron Hubbard's Scientology has nothing to do with any theory of god.

  13. God didn't his adopted uncle did . For more information about the subject .

    As for Laffette Ronald Hubbard .

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