
Why did God choose another man's WIFE to bear his son?

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Wasn't that a tad hypocritical?




  1. To be in line with scripture he had to be a direct descendant of King David which Mary was, so was Joseph his foster father. They had not been wed yet, only betrothed.  She was a virgin and he kept her so until after Jesus was born.  

  2. Mary wasn't married at the time.

  3. no

    God created both.

    God's son had to have a human body.

    So he ask mary to bear the Holy Child indwelt by God.

  4. The virgin birth never took place, it isn't part of the prophesies.

    Luke and Matthews genealogy contradict each other strongly and show themselves to be forged on Luke's account, which also exposes Mary as not being of the Royal bloodline and again another unfulfilled prophesy.

    Oh and Mary being of the Tribe of Judah doesn't cut it either.

    Now, while any Jew could be called "son of Abraham", relatively few Jews could be called "son of David", and fewer still belonged to the royal line. And because the reign of the kings of Israel had ended for the time being, the Jews were waiting for the next "son of David" who would rule: the expected Messiah. For the Jews, the Messianic title "son of David" would probably conjure up memories of David as a warrior, subduing his enemies. Perhaps, this is one reason that the Jews expected a militaristic Messiah, one who would rid them through war of their Roman rulers. They forgot, however, that David was forbidden by God to build the temple of the Lord--not because of his sins of adultery and murder--but precisely because of his militarism. The Lord told David: "You have shed much blood and have fought many wars. You are not to build a house for my Name.


    12After the exile to Babylon:

    Jeconiah was the father of Shealtiel,

    Shealtiel the father of Zerubbabel,

    13Zerubbabel the father of Abiud,

    Abiud the father of Eliakim,

    Eliakim the father of Azor,

    14Azor the father of Zadok,

    Zadok the father of Akim,

    Akim the father of Eliud,

    15Eliud the father of Eleazar,

    Eleazar the father of Matthan,

    Matthan the father of Jacob,

    16and Jacob the father of Joseph,

    the husband of Mary,

    of whom was born Jesus,

    who is Christ

    Clearly showing that to fulfill the prophesy, Joseph would have to be the father.

    The mother passes the ethnicity but it is the BIOLOGICAL father who passes tribal affiliation (even adoption doesn't cut it).

    Jewish bloodline and law.

  5. That's just how he rolls.

  6. She was not Joseph's wife

    And God knew that Joseph had a heart for him

    What's hypocritical is your question. You have no interest in the answers, no care of the morality and yet you make a big mocking deal of "God's Morality"

    Well done chuckie

  7. She was unmarried at time of conception, hence the "virgin" moniker.

  8. No, God was entrusting Joesph with the earthly raising of His son.

  9. They were engaged. Obviously He knew she was obedient.

    YOU ARENT THE JUDGE OF anyone...God is perfect..

    Please try to be more positive.

  10. Mary wasn't married when she conceived Jesus. Hence the VIRGIN part of the story.

  11. when you say that Jesus is god's you really mean the begotten son.

    these are all human acts and to god, we all are his children...

    Jesus was most miraculous prophet and so he was born with a miracle  

  12. "god" is a sexual weirdo.

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