
Why did God choose the Big Bang to create everything?

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Why did God choose the Big Bang to create everything?




  1. I think the Big Bang is in your head :-)

    Where do you get these things from....jeez what next!!!

    Please, instead of believing in the rubbish from atheists and God haters, read your Bible starting from Genesis.

  2. He wanted to come in with a bang *wink*

    He was always one for showy demonstrations of his power.

  3. He didn't

  4. He didn't read Genesis.

  5. Just for the h**l of It.....

    For Heaven's Sake.....

    and for the Experience of a Lifetime.

  6. ohhh no !! heeee didn't!!!!!!

  7. He was just playing with a lighter and.......

    Hey' i like franhu's answer. He/she has a really good grasp of the big bang theory. You can see the amount of study that's gone into that.

    Them crazy astrophysicists. Just sit around makin shite up out of their heads.

  8. well he didn't  

  9. First off the big bang is just theory and it did not create anything it is just the first moment where basic elements like hydrogen began forming space from a singularity point,  that means we don't know if there something else like another dimension before our physical universe because we can only study ours and according to string theory our universe is only one universe of many and only the outer shell of other dimensions.  We have much to learn,  but whether you are a believer or an atheist all answers are inside of us whether meditating or doing mathematical equations in our head.  Einstein said he would just close his eyes and think and from there he could solve some mysteries of the universe,  you can do the same and you don't need a minister or a science teacher to help you if you have faith in your ability to reason,  I have faith in mine and I say God is real but this does not work for everyone because we all have different ways of percieving the information out there.

  10. easier that way.

  11. If that is so, then who created god from his big bang?

  12. I don't believe God choose this human theory.  

  13. Please show your source of this information.


  15. What verse is that?

  16. What makes you think that? He didn't. He spoke it into being.

  17. The Big Bang chose God.

  18. The big bang was not god's doing.  God is a myth.

  19. In the beginning there was nothing

    Then some nothings got together and became something

    Then something exploded ( the “big bang” )

    Millions of years passed by.

    As the gaseous remains of the “big bang” spread out

    Some of it became galaxies, stars, and planets

    Millions of years passed by.

    On the planets it rained and it rained

    Millions of years passed by.

    Some rocks dissolved into puddles,

    And this became the primordial soup

    Millions of years passed by.

    Something in the soup decided to be life

    Millions of years passed by.

    This “life” mutated and mutated and

    Millions of years passed by.

    this is where ALL life comes from!

    Yeah Right!

    Give me CREATION as it is much more believable

    Webster's Dictionary defines religion as follows, "Cause, principle or system of beliefs held with ardour and faith." Surely this is an apt description of evolution. Evolution is a 'belief system' i.e. a religion !

    Models of science are subject to change for both creationists and evolutionists. But, the beliefs that these models are built on are not. The problem is that most scientists do not realize that it is the belief (religion) of evolution that is the basis for scientific models (the interpretations, or stories) used to attempt an explanation of the present. Evolutionists are not prepared to change their actual belief that all life can be explained by natural processes and that no God is involved (or even needed). Evolution is a religion to which they are commited. Christians need to wake up to this.

    Evolution is a religion, not a science.



  20. It was just the beginning. Everthing else seems to come out in chronological order.  Plants, then animals and man being the last to arrive

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