
Why did God consider killing off all the birds, when he was feeling remorse for creating the human race?

by Guest58714  |  earlier

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Genesis 6:6

Here's what I'm thinking, and correct me if I'm wrong, I'm thinking God was a figment of the demented imagination of that creep Moses and his syphilitic half-brother Aaron.

Also, why didn't God consider killing off all the fishes in the deep blue sea?

What? Yeah well read Genesis 6:6 if you have no freakin idea what I'm talking about --

Maybe he wasn't mad at the fishes cause he was thinking to himself "h**l I can't drown them in Noah's big flood, can I?"

C'mon church folks, give it your best guess.

For every good guess I will personally stand up and exclaim "Oh that's a good one."





  1. As an church folk, my best guess is that you are an atheist who believes you don't have any beliefs.  So while demonstrating a solid belief there is a "right and wrong" by implying that that it would be "wrong" for the Bible to be "right," as an atheist you would say you don't have any beliefs and therefore don't have a belief in "right and wrong."

    Go on, prove that your understanding of "right and wrong" isn't a belief and that your belief is "right" isn't anything more than you over inflating your opinion.  Prove you aren't judgmental of others because of your intolerance of people with beliefs that are different than your own.

    Sure, it is easy to imagine there is a speck in the theist's eye when you have a log in your own impeding your ability to see your belief that everyone is entitled to their opinion.

    And if you considered that God made the birds in the first place, you would understand that He has the right to do what He wants the the creation He made and owns.

  2. The Holy Bible does not mention by name or species who actually died in the great flood.  It does, though, mention the why and the intent of the flood.

    Gen. 6:7 And the LORD said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth me that I have made them

    Gen 6:12 And God looked upon the earth, and, behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth.

    Gen 6:13 And God said unto Noah, The end of all flesh is come before me; for the earth is filled with violence through them; and, behold, I will destroy them with the earth.

    So you see, it was not just man and woman who where corrupt, but all flesh that was corrupt.  All flesh save that which was cleansed and taken onboard the arc had to parish.

  3. It's bad to be so cynical at your age.

    Syphilis didn't come to Eur-Asia-Africa until the "New World" was discovered.  Aaron probably had leprosy or something.  ;(

    Anyway, aside from that, who can know what God was thinking?  If you really want to know you're going to have to ask Him, which will require of you a modicum of faith.

    Otherwise, this is just a waste of time.  Don't you have anything better to do?

    My answer?  Things on Earth at the time were THAT bad.  Think of the worst situation possible:  maybe children being raped and sacrificed everyday.  And that is what was probably going on.  Even you would ask God to do something drastic.  That's how bad it was.

  4. My coy drowned.. I was taking it for a walk and it fell into the pond and drowned. Spent a lot of time teaching it to heel, too.

  5. Fishes would die in a global flood anyway. Salt-water fishes and sweet-water fishes cannot exist in the same environment. Either or both would die in a global flood.

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