
Why did God kill everyone in the flood (except Noah and his family), even Children?

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Surely some people would have been worth saving. Even innocent children were killed. Why?




  1. Clearly, God realized he made a mistake.  He didn't realize that people were going to turn out to be so rotten.  So he decided to get rid of them all.

    Fortunately, there was one man on the earth who did such a fantastic job raising his family that God could use him to repopulate the earth with a BETTER brand of human being.  Noah's family would be righteous for generation after generation into perpetuity!

    And so today, we have a human race devoid of injustice--

    What?  What's that you say?  Racism?  Genocide?  Economic oppression?  War?  Crime?  Why didn't anyone TELL God that all of this was happening?


  2. becuase he... loved them?

  3. God is such a drama queen..

  4. Because the bible is a real vile fairytale.

  5. The children would go to Heaven and no that was the point EVERYONE was a sinner.

  6. god has his reasons and we are not to question him

  7. The first inhabitants of the earth were a very godless people. Probably like those who were living in Sodom and Gomorrah, only much worse. Little is told of these people, but their descent into evil could only be rectified by wiping them from the face of the earth and starting again. The only person God found righteous was Noah, so he saved Noah, his sons and their wives, 8 in all, and for a second time the earth was populated.  

  8. Noah is an example of myth used in the Bible to teach a spiritual truth.

  9. He mercy killed them, seeing how much the world was under my domination... damned fool...

  10. This is one of the contradictions that literalistic bible believers have to swallow, but are unwilling to think about.  They believe that their God is a "Just God", but if this event ever actually took place, they would have to come to grips with a few things that they probably haven't thought of:

    1.  Thousands of small children would have been killed.  Small children would not have performed any "unpardonable sin" that would require their deaths.

    2.  Thousands of unborn babies would have been killed.  Unborn babies have not performed any sins that would require their deaths.

    3.  Millions of animals would have been killed.  Animals would not have performed any sins that would require their deaths.

    This leaves two possibilities.  Either this never happened, in which case they can keep their belief of a "Just God", or this happened and their God is a vicious mass-murderer with no shred of decency in him.

  11. People started to do things that disappointed God like fight, lie, steal etc. so He found a good decent man who was Noah and told him to build an ark and put two of each animal....but then God promised never to flood the world again, and He's kept His promise so far!

  12. God looked upon the world and saw that (Genesis 6.5) "Then the Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great on the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually."

    So, God who had graciously given life decided it was time to withdraw life from almost every person.  God did not want Noah to have to run an orphanage on the ark or afterward, so He graciously took the lives of the children of evil people as well.  The good news is that those children went to glory, while their evil parents did not.  God saved those children from being exposed to more evil and being trained to do evil.

  13. Why do you believe this buls#!t ever happened? Is even the flimsiest shred of evidence available to support this? Or it's just another sadistic lie?

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