
Why did God scrap individual covenants in favor of "collective bargaining"?

by Guest60597  |  earlier

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That's what I meant, and yes there's the individual choice to accept it or not, but you can be sure God won't make anyone as strong as Samson or as rich as Solomon ever again.




  1. simplicity

    You can observe even here on RS when things become complicated people have a really tough time keeping up.  Look at how hard the muslims have to work to keep up with all the Haram/Halal stuff.

  2. I assume that you are making the argument that before Jesus died on the cross, the system of salvation was "individual covenants," but Jesus' death on the cross brought on a period of "collective bargaining."

    Well, this isn't true. In fact, the reverse is closer to the truth. Before Jesus died, Israel was commanded to offer sacrifices to God in order to atone for their sins. This, to me, sounds more like "collective bargaining." After Jesus' death, it is up to each individual to take up their cross and follow Christ. This sounds more like an "individual covenant" to me.

    However, I am always wary when we start using catch phrases and cliches to describe God's plan of salvation. They are just too inadequate to describe God's grace.

  3. Proverbs 14:34  KJV "Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people."

  4. Like any business. Individual service to rope in a group of regulars and then transfer to an assembly line operation.

  5. He lost his paperwork in a fire?

    Probably while he was prepping h**l for all the infidels.

  6. According to my "Contract Book" there are just so many people that they must be dealt at the negotiating table with ONE package. The reasons are that Management consists of only ONE supervisor and once the contract is voted on by individual rank and file members it becomes international law for that local union. But you can rest assured that you have the absolute best representation in the form of a man named Jesus. As a result of everything that management has done they came up with the contract book that contains straight boiler plate language.

  7. No.

  8. Because God is not on the take like politicians are by lobbyist in Washington... God bless you !

  9. He's about to scrap the last one too for a new scientific one with all mankind.

  10. I don't think that God did. A promise is a promise.

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