
Why did Gordon Ramsey say the queen´s menu is rubbish?

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Is she stuffing her face with junk then?




  1. what does he know, i used to watch his program untill he started all this swearing and F-word , theres no need for it, would he use all this swearing in front of his children,p.s. i swear etc myself i was in the army but time and place fr everything

  2. Who cares what Gordon Ramisses thinks anyway

  3. He's an over-rated jumped up stupid cook! He has a filthy mouth and has made it big because he's got away with using the 'f' word far too often on tv! There are better people out there like James Martin who really can cook, enjoy teaching others and present a very enjoyable programme! Why does s**t always rise to the top of the toilet pan?

  4. he thinks he is the worlds best chef that's why,!!

  5. Maybe cos he thinks he can do better.

  6. she looks extremely well on it, whatever she is eating.  I dont like Gordon Ramsey I think he is uncouth and foul mouthed

  7. In a word: Publicity.

    And boy, didn't it work??

  8. I doubt it.Gordon Ramsay is just looking for publicity.

    Who cares what the Royal family eat anyway?

    Abolish the Monarchy.

  9. Because he's a publicity-seeking knobhead who should be ignored by the media the way most of us would ignore him in a pub.

  10. Gordon Ramsey is typical of many big time chefs. Has has nothing to offer except a big foul mouth. I fail to see why he is even famous. I've had his food and it is shite.  

  11. You wouldn't ask that question if you have eaten in London!  Pretty plain  and tasteless food.  Except for the Indian food but Eliz the Queen doesn't eat that.  It could cause constipation and I think she suffers from that already.  Look at her expression .

  12. Gordon Ramsey is such an angry man.  He is so scary.

  13. no no. she is very refined, but the menu has things she cant chew?

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