
Why did Gov. Palin kept her pregnancy hidden?

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She kept her pregnancy hidden for SEVEN MONTHS from her children and the people of Alaska. If she was such a PROUD MOM why would she keep this a secret from other children.

It not like she's one of those young teen moms who keep hides their pregnancy from their parents. This person is painted to have a happy family. It makes me wonder.

If Gov Palin has a baggage of secrets now and this is a normal "practice" don't you think she would have "secrets" as VP that should have been told to the America....

To all the Mothers out here, would you keep your pregnancy a secret from your children?




  1. I honestly don't know how a woman as thin as her could keep her pregnancy a secret for that long.  She knew the baby had down syndrome.  That would be something a woman might want to deal with privately for as long as possible.  It will be life altering for the whole family when the child is a bit older.

  2. As a proud mother of two beautiful boys, I can speak from experience that there are reasons not to announce your pregnancy to the world the moment you pee on a stick. After announcing the joyous news to our family that we were expecting a second child, I had a miscarriage.  It was the most devastating time of my life.  My youngest sister had a worse experience after going through a stillbirth.  You can't describe the pain in attending a funeral for a child that never had a chance to live.  When I became pregnant for a third time.  The only person I told was my husband.  I waited till I was 6 months to tell our families and 7 months before I explained to our then 3 yr old son.  

    I find it outrageous that anyone feels they have the right to be so rude as to think that the status of someone's womb is their business.  Be it a politician, a movie star or the nice single lady next door that looks to be putting on weight.  If they want to share with you, they'll tell you.

  3. I do not know if she did but if so I find that very peculiar.

    Why would she not have been proud to be pregnant ?

    I have my own private thoughts about that but prefer to keep them to myself.

  4. instead of being honest she wanted to be deceptive

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