
Why did Gov. Palin talk about how she was against the "bridge to nowhere" when before she was for it?

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...The bridge was intended to provide access to Ketchikan's airport on lightly populated Gravina Island, opening up new territory for expansion at the same time.

that was the platform she was running on for governor (the build-the-bridge platform). now when she became gov. she used the bridge funds for other projects. i.e to build a road to empty beach where the bridge would have gone b/c federal money for the access road, unlike the bridge money, would have otherwise been returned to the federal government. How can I trust someone who already start out on the national scene being dishonest? Maybe the McCain rethoric is rubbing off......




  1. McCain and Palin had a little side bet going, McCain bet her $100 she wouldn't go out there and tell the big lie on her first public appearance with him.  Got to give her credit...but McCain welshed on the bet...prick.  That's what I heard anyway.

  2. She was taken out of context. She is for human progress in Alaska and rebuilding infrastructure; she is against using federal earmarks to make it happen.

    Sarah Palin's Resume vs. Barack Obama's Resume

  3. Palin was against the Bridge after the Feds said that her state would have to pay for the rest of it.

  4. Called the big lie.

    stfu Rory, you're the one dishing BS.  It's well documented she was seeking pork from Congress for the Bridge....after funding was cancelled due to the scandal, she scratched the project because the project was short $400 M.  

  5. Link?


    Huh..go figure >.>

  6. That is called a U-Turn.  (Similar to a flip-flop)

    90001 Rocks.

  7. That's because the Alaskan government already has the money for the bridge.

    They didn't need any Washington pork

    Don't confuse the two please

  8. because she's a typical lying Republican who is being investigated for lying and abuse of power.

  9. She said if they needed it, they would build it with Alaskan funds, not Federal monies

    One thing ya gotta watch here is that people check on your accuracy and you ain't accurate in your question.

    So many haters...and mostly women...Methinks the Ladies doth protest too much...with apoligies to the Bard.

  10. Well, McCain did say she was just like him, did he not?

    A flip-flopper.

    And she's under an ethics investigation for abusing her power in office.  She tried to have her ex-brother-in-law fired on behalf of her sister.  But when his boss refused to do it, she fired him.

    Seems she'll fit right in with the Republicans in Washington.

  11. Because she's a typical Republican flip-flopper.

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