
Why did Gov. Schwarzenegger destroy kookafornia economy.and now blames Global Warming for raising Taxes??

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Arnold destroyed the Kookafornia economy so he blames Global warming for raising taxes.

Poor Sheople!!




  1. Because he didn't, take a look around, the entire US economy has been slowly strangled by rising fuel costs, and then was dealt a death blow by greedy bankers when they began raising the rates on their ARM accounts.

  2. America is experiencing the spike at the end of an inflation curve.  70's needed 10,000USD a year for a comfortable life, 80's needed 20,000USD, 90's 40,000USD, now need 80,000USD+.  It is impossible to outlive the spike like these in inflation.  Just like confederate US and Russia, and the depression will be here soon.

       Rising Oil prices?  How about the decreasing value of the American dollar.  Thank Bush for the extreme nature of this problem.  In his first term he lowered taxes, gave extra medical to seniors, and borrowed tons of foreign money.  Our huge national deficit and billions put into the war every year is drastically lowered the value of our dollar.  As well, what will we do when China dumps it's reserves of US money?  You can't blame the governor of California for the national deficit and out of control inflation

  3. Because hes German, and hes like bush cant take responsibility of anything

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