
Why did Gypsies Resist Relocation in Spain?

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  1. More than likely, for the same reason that all groups, including the homeless in the US resist being relocated.  Nobody wants the government to tell them where they HAVE to live, even if it´s subsidised and a better home than the one their in now.  What they´re in now is HOME.  That would be charity.

  2. Maybe they feel forced to leave a place they like to live in.

  3. The link says...    

    Spain since the Middle Ages, adding richness to Spanish culture not the least of which includes Flamenco music and dance. Spain did not recognize Gypsies as citizens, however, until the 1970s.

    The country is now spending millions on relocating many of them from shantytowns to government-subsidized housing. The effort has been met with resistance that at times erupts into violence

    Gypsies who are also known as the Romany people,  trace their origins to India more than 1,000 years ago. They migrated to Europe in the 1300s. For centuries, Gypsies were enslaved and persecuted in Europe, where they were scorned as nomadic thieves and con artists skilled primarily at palm reading.

    It must be hard having to relocate.

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