
Why did Hazrat Ayesha (RA) and Hazrat Ali (RA) fight each other in the battle of Jamaal?

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Why did Hazrat Ayesha (RA) and Hazrat Ali (RA) fight each other in the battle of Jamaal?




  1. (The murderers of the Caliph Othman were the ones who provoked the battle of Jamal)

    The opposition of the Caliph Othman grew into a hostile movement. They came from Egypt, Kufa, & Basra. They organized themselves into an army of about 3000 & took over Median. They murdered Othman & Ali became the Caliph while the murder of Othman were still there. They had even join Ali’s army.

    Some Muslims insisted that Ali do justice with the murderers of Othman, but Ali figured it’s dangerous to do it at the moment. Ayesha was in Mecca at that time. She met with some campaigning of the prophet & they decided to build an army & do justice themselves.

    They recruited 3000 while they were in Mecca & decided to go to Basra to recruit more. Othman’s murderers who came from Basra went their 1st & tried to provoke a fight between the people of Basra & Ayesha’s army. Eventually, this is what happened, but Ayesha’s army won the battle of Basra. Among the 600 murderers who came from Basra, only the leader survived & took refuge in his tribe, which has 6000 warriors.

    Ali took off from Medina with his army & camped near the army of Ayesha. He sent one of his generals to negotiate with her & other leaders. He showed them that before they took off their enemies in Basra were only 600. Now that they tried to do justice themselves, their enemies grow to 6000. So, he convinced them to give Ali a chance & trust the fact that he knows what he’s doing. Ayesha agreed.

    However, the murderers in Ali’s army figured they’re doomed now that Ali & Ayesha had agreed. So in the middle of the night while everybody was sleeping, they murdered some solders in Ali’s army & yelled Ayesha had stabbed us in the back. They quickly had the army attacking Ayesha’s camp, so the followers of Ayesha yelled Ali stabbed us in the back. & the battle of Jamal began.

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