
Why did Helen Mirren decide to decline the Queen's invitation to visit?

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If what I read is correct, after the movie and award, she was invited, thought about it, then declined. Anyone know why?




  1. I heard that she was busy filming National Treasure 2 and couldn't make it.

  2. Actors never like visiting "Old Queens"

  3. Actress Helen Mirren has declined an invitation from the queen to attend dinner at Buckingham Palace because of a working engagement in South Dakota that she can't change.

    She said in a public statement, "I was honoured to be invited to dinner at the Palace. This was a gracious gesture and very appreciated by me. It was therefore hard to have to decline. I was contracted on that date to be working in South Dakota, in a situation which was impossible to change. I would have made every effort to attend if it had been humanly possible. I explained this to the Palace officials, and I believe they understood. I would never have the hubris or the rudeness to insult anyone who had the kindness to invite me to dinner."

  4. Because Helen Mirren was  busy

    -SS (Smiling Star-:)

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