Hennie likes grammar and spelling so I posted the following:
Question: How many species of warthog are there?
Deleted Answer: How many species of warthog are there? Are there? Where? You should have phrased your question "How many species of warthog exist?" You have used a locative form incorrectly. Zxcv, (exclamation mark, new sentence, capital letter) now (why, was it not fascinating before? Where are your commas?) that's fascinating! I guess ( what do you "guess", I presume you mean "presume, "think", "assume" or even "opine") you'll be doing a lot of mating then (incorrect, yet typically informal, use of "then" as an emphatic form at the end of a clause), huh (oh dear... oh dear, "huh"
I get a violation for insulting other members yet he insulted me in his reply? I thought he would appreciate the grammar points. LOL!!!!......
Any thought?