
Why did Henry VII name his son Arthur? That is not a regular King's name?

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Why did Henry VII name his son Arthur? That is not a regular King's name?




  1. It is probable that he or his wife read, Le Morte d'arthur, by Mallory, a very popular book of the time.  It was a Welsh legend and the Tudor were Welsh, and wanted to re-start their dynasty as if they were related to King Arthur.

  2. it's tied in partly with his Welsh ancestry (his father's side) & a desire to strengthen the throne (as stated, his claim was a little shaky).  I've seen that mentioned several times.  King Arthur was well-known, the Camelot legend was strong, and I think L'Morte de Arthur was about to be published if it hadn't already been.

    I think it was a deliberate break in tradition, to not name his eldest son Henry or Edward; he wouldn't have named him John or Richard in any case (having deposed Richard III).

  3. Henry VII, in order to strengthen his otherwise dubious claim to the throne (Henry came from b*****d stock), set his personal genealogists to trace back his heritage to Cadwaladr and ancient British kings. Henry identified Winchester in Hampshire as Camelot, and it was there that the first Tudor Prince of Wales, Arthur, was born to Henry and his Queen, Elizabeth of York, the daughter of Edward IV. He was named after the legendary King Arthur of the Round Table.

  4. I'm sure Rachelle's answer is right.  But I'll add that kings may name their kids how they like, but when that oldest son becomes king he may choose one of those "regular" king's names.  e.g. George VI was actually named Albert Frederick Arthur (well, there's that Arthur again) George.

  5. I guess he was an irregular King.

  6. Say WHAT!?  How is Arthur NOT a "regular King's name"???

    Who was the greatest most legendary king of Britain?

    Arthur, as in King Arthur, as in Arthur and Guenivere.

    By the way, that's one of Prince Charles' names, as well.  His full name is Charles Philip Arthur George.  So, um...yeah, regular royal name.

    And, what Rachelle and Jessamy said, too.  (I knew George VI's first name was Albert, but didn't realize he, too, had an Arthur there.)

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