
Why did Hillary Clinton halt her campaign for presidency?

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Why did Hillary Clinton halt her campaign for presidency?




  1. Wow, old question.  She didn't have enough deligates to win, so she suspended her campain.  She didn't drop out, because she wanted to give all her supporters a chance to vote, even though Obama was going to win.

  2. She got her *** trounced by Barrack Obama, she should endorse Palin.

  3. She didn't halt. She lost.

  4. Because she lost..That's why Kerry stopped running.


  5. I think it was because she realized that while she would have loved to be President, could have made a very good president, and might have actually had a good chance to be president there are MORE IMPORTANT THINGS.  She made a decision that I respect a great deal, she put her country first.  

    She realized that beating McCain in November is the most important thing and that had she continued to push to be a nominee all she would have done is rip the Democrats apart at a time when we need to be more focused then ever.

    She made a very courageous decision to swallow her personal dreams for now (because I think she could still be president someday  Clinton 2016 anyone?) and do what is best for her country

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