
Why did Hillary do such an unethical thing in New Hampshire?

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Why did Hillary sent out those mails to people in New Hampshire lying about Obama's uncertainty in his stance? Is this not considered misrepresentation? (I am no lawyer, however, I think this is unethical).

Furthermore, she staged the "Woman iron my shirt". Why isn't anyone calling her on her lies?

Obama is not playing the 'Race card'? No racism is a very real problem, and more dangerous than sexism. Have you turned ear on the riots in 1974. Or the cop beating black ppl in New York as near as the 20th century?;_ylt=AlEHhCaKgC62YbJK.Yu4cYvAFQx.;_ylv=3?qid=20080121070959AAlAJxI

Look at the video of the Iron my Shirt rant. It is clearly staged. Especially since signs are prescreened (I've been to them)




  1. I think you're full of BS.

  2. Could someone from the Obama camp please explain why he had his South Carolina press secretary release a memo of Clinton talking points that could be construed as racist?

  3. She did not stage the woman iron my shirt thing. That was a bit by a radio show host. The same host that is in the picture of a woman's rally where he is holding the sign that says "Iron my shirt *****"

    If your gonna attempt to bash someone for doing what EVERY candidate does, at least get your facts straight.

  4. "Monica Lewinsky's Ex-Boyfriends Wife for President"

  5. ethics are not a big deal to democrats. as for guns being a good thing, you betcha its a great thing.

  6. Obama pulled out the race card early on - so did his wife - by making the statements blacks can't go get gas without getting shot, and then strutting Oprah around on the stage as if she were part of their political team using race to lure in unsuspecting voters.  Voters don't need a mailing to tell them Obama is inexperienced.  The lack of his voting record and brief time in U.S. Politics proves that.  Today he is whining that Bill Clinton should not have Freedom of Speech.  Then Obama wants to restrict our gun rights.  He is dismantling our Constitution already and not even the Nominee.  If he can't handle the Race - if he can't handle the Debates - if he can't handle the truth - the Presidency is the last job he should be applying for.  He's afraid - and the Race Card is his last hope to reach out to young African-American voters who were not around when the race issue in this country turned violent.  Now Obama wants to take us back to those days of racial discontent.   Who cares about someone saying iron my shirts - it is so irrelevant it doesn't deserve a response.  Who's crying now, Obama ?

  7. Anything to win>>There's no end as to what they will do>wait and see>And they still have supporters>???

  8. its all politics.  10 more months of it to go, then we can all live in peace and quiet again.

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