
Why did Hillary respond to Rev. Wright's comments after she misspoke about Obama? hmm - change the focus?

by Guest62531  |  earlier

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Why did Hillary respond to Rev. Wright's comments after she misspoke about Obama? hmm - change the focus?




  1. of course that's good politics...of old

    that's why I still say loud and proud

    OBAMA 08

  2. post a link

    Obama is Wright

    Obama must withdraw for the good of his followers--the party-

    the country

  3. Hillary Clinton strikes me as the kind of lizard-necked dragonlady who lords over the wills of others in a mad obsession with power, much like a highschool principal.  She talks down to the people in long, slow words about inane topics nobody cares about and make half-assed attempts at humor with all the subtlety of a dying hippo.  If she's going to play the race game, I so hope Obama digs up that video of her calling another senator a "jew b*****d" whispering over the microphone on the senate floor.  And the whole myth of her having more experience than Obama... let's see, Obama's been in public service since 96... Hillary first got elected in 2000 in a state she didn't live with no other qualifications other than "the guy who cheats on me was president".

    So in short...  Hillary will continue to stick her foot in her mouth because she loves the taste of crow.  She cannot possibly claim a populist stance since she was a croney for WalMart, helped write and draft NAFTA and insists on bringing up race every time her polls slip, not to mention conspired with the DNC to have Michigan and Florida thrown out, both heavily black populated.  Its a cold day in h**l when the DNC decides to disenfranchise black voters, and we're feeling it!

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