
Why did I cry so much when I got drunk.. :S

by  |  earlier

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i just got drunk for the first time a couple nights ago, and all I remember doing was crying and yelling at my friends for 3 hours straight..well i'm pretty sure i fell down and slept in between a few times but every time I remember being conscious I was bawling and being rude to Everyone like saying I F***ing Hate you, you Btchh..

Especially when they were trying to help me out since none of them were drunk

P.S. i'm 15

* we were at like a park where everyone hangs out at ... mostly everyone we knew (which is why i'm so embarressed and regretting doing it out in the open)




  1. alot of times emotions come out of you that are not normally shown in public but you are young and alot of kids have same results ,id say to take it easy and do not drink as much as needed to get drunk becuase you can make a fool of self when drunk and you will regret it , good luck and please take it easy you are still young

  2. i can solve ur problem... DON'T GET DRUNK!!!

  3. ok well wait 6 years, make sure you are in a good mood when you start, drink slower, and stop once you get a good buzz going

  4. Well, as they say, alcohol is the "truth serum".  When one drinks it brings out the most basic in them. So, for example, if you are kind or funny by nature, then you will be tenfold as kind or funny when drunk. Whereas, if you are mean or rude then you will be tenfold mean or rude. Sorry, but I hope you can accept the "truth" :)

  5. yepp its happen to me lots of time but yu musta drank too much  nd where the h**l were yur friends mabyee yu felt like they left yu thats probly why yu were crying... i think yu prbly shouldnt drink that much next time or nothin at all but yur ganna do wut yu ganna do cuz i started drinkin when i was 16 BE CAREFUL tho cuz once i almost got arrested but thank god my dad got me outta it now im 18 nd dnt drink as much cuz i when i wake up i always have this guilty feeling nd think bakk about  wut i did that nite but when yu drink yu arent as catious with things and yu dnt think about the things yu do as much  

  6. it happens. when your drunk you cant help your emotions! you cant stop yourself when your drunk the alcohol takes over. so you shouldnt be embaressed i GUARENTEE you that those ppl/friends at the park had embarssein moments while they where drunk to. obviously this just shows your a very emotional/angry drunk.

    that makes you and a million other people!

    dont be so hard on yourself,its normal:]

    i promise!

    i really hope  i helped you!

  7. You're too young to drink - alcohol only makes things in your life worse and more acute - at your age, with everything else that's going on with you, alcohol is the last thing you need. There's a saying "in vino veritas" which means "in wine there is truth" (which is just basically "loose lips") - it uninhibits you, you say things you don't mean, you do things you wouldn't normally do - that's why you hear about people fighting  - and doing stupid stuff when they're drunk.  Stay away from the booze until you are older - and even then, everything in moderation.

  8. that what drunk people do.

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