
Why did I do this on phone???

by  |  earlier

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I recently got in touch with a guy I not seen for 13 years. We went to school together and lived on same street then I moved with family and we lost touch.

13 years on and I a single mother to Caden who is 5 months and this guy is single with no children.

We met up and had a great weekend together talking and catching up.

Anyhow he went back home and we spoke on phone and texts and I was stressing too much about the situation as he wanted me to go see him and I was worried he was playing me.

Well the texts and phonecalls be going great and he does want to meet. But after him being lovely saying he wants to meet me and just wants to make me happy... I ended up crying on the phone!

He was really sweet about it and sent lovely text after but do you think it put him off - he said he really missing me too and it hurts.





  1. Ah hun he just hit your sensitivity spot!! you were touched by how nice he was being to you and it just overpowered you! Of course he wont be put off - he sounds like a diamond in the rough and you're very lucky to have found him again!

    I wish you two all the luck in the world!


  2. Go easy on yourself. He just might be the one

  3. If you put him off, he wouldn't have sent a lovely text afterwards.

    Wipe your tears - this sounds like a good start to me.  And good luck!

  4. cvyghjb yt9uhbjn iujv fygh :)

    have a good day ma'am !

  5. nah. he will probably understand  

  6. Hey Sunshine,

    I think our hormones and feelings come out easier than guys' do.  You also just had a baby a few months ago, so hormones, lack of sleep, and all that adjustment is happening.  Plus being a single mom is a whole nother situation that can put emotions close to the surface.  If he has dated and has sisters, I am sure he has seen these displays of emotion many a time.

    But I know it sucks to feel like we put our mushy estrogen-laiden heart out there.  Especially when we may just be starting out a new relationship and that is considered a no-no.  So you showed how you felt.  If he is a keeper with possibilities, he will show you it does not scare him away and at least you know he won't scare away.  If he acts different or distances himself soon, maybe it is better to know now.  You have a little baby and better to know sooner than later.

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