
Why did I dream of Clay Aikens?

by Guest58550  |  earlier

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Last night I had a dream of Clay Aikens. Don't remember it so clearly. He was dancing on a stage wearing blue shoes. What does that mean?




  1. Who doesn't dream of Clay Aiken!


  2. 1. his name is Clay Aiken....

    and 2. maybe you dreamed about him dancing and stuff because his new role in Spam-a-lot

  3. Oooooooh - not nice

  4. maybe you fell asleep with music on and he was singing. or you heard a song by him or something.

  5. more than one aiken?

    i think you think that he thinks hes g*y

  6. It means that in your dreams you imagine Clay Aikens gayer than he really is.

  7. Perhaps you are inclined to the feminine male. Who knows? Maybe it is like the hope that he would bring a male friend? or maybe you want to go see Spamalot?

    Who knows, but sorry you are dreaming of Clay Aiken.

  8. So you are a f*g hag. Learn to love us! (You probably already do.)

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