
Why did I get thumbs down for liking Jonas brothers looks?

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Why did they do that? And why do some people hate them so much they thumb me down?




  1. because the Jonas Brothers are an annoying now p*****n sensation that is popping up everywhere and driving everyone but those dementedly obsessed with them insane.

    Jonas Brothers and Hannah Montana need to go away

  2. well i think people gave u a thumb downs cuz people dont like them. people also probally gave a thumb down cuz they one of them are g*y and some people think they are all g*y so i dont kno but i guess that is why. i hope that answers ur question.

  3. Cause they suck


    I clicked the link and gave you another thumbs down :)

  4. because its easy to give a thumb down

    also peopel dont like the jonas brother because there disney stars

    5 yo likes them

  5. Because they are an annoying band that plays that pop garbage...and their pants are too d**n tight.  I read in Page Six magazine that some chick fainted while at some concert of theirs.  It's a suckier version on Beatle-mania.

  6. k well the truth is they do suck

    but i no, it annoys me when people thumbs down people for having an opinion, like it is what this site is for

    but truth is honey, dont go saying how much u like jonas brothers and miley cyrus and stuff on this website, cos everyone else here hates em pretty much

    cos their ew

  7. hasn't your parents ever told you not to care what other people think?

  8. it's because you're black.

  9. Well because those people are really rediculas and horrible to be that way! Rock on Jonas!


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