
Why did I get thumbs down for this?

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Everyone got no thumbs or thumbs up... I was the only one with thumbs down and I got 2! (sob). lol.

An 18 year old asked what mothers like to see in a sitter and I said, and I quote:

-have the house clean (as clean as when I left)

-not to eat all my 'snack foods'

-to follow any directions that I leave (like if I said that she needs to be sure that my daughter cleans her room and the bathroom while I am gone)

-if my directions do not get done for some reason (like the baby would not nap for her), than I like to know

-that she plays with the kids. Does not read a book or sit around on MSN and the phone. I like her to play with the kids the whole time... or most of it anyway (my current sitter asks if she can check her emails and I said that when the baby is asleep, I don't mind her checking her emails and going on facebook, as long as she still plays with my older child as well).

-I like it when my instructions are followed. I get frustrated if I leave instructions and they are only partially followed.

-OH, and if I ask what you charge... it is hard to know what you expect when you say 'oh whatever' or 'just your going rate', lol. That is frustrating because if I like you and want to keep you... than I want to keep you happy... and that includes paying you enough




  1. People will give thumbs down for just about anything, I think.  I've even occassionally thumbs-downed someone for typing in all caps, spelling a bunch of words wrong, etc.  Nothing you wrote stands out to me as something I would thumbs-down you for.  At least there are no point deductions for thumbs-down!  :)

  2. I had massive problems with getting my 3 month old son to sleep.  He would just lie awake and cry for hours, then when he finally went to sleep he would wake every hour or two hours through the night and cry again!  Talk about pulling our hair out .... we were absolutely desperate for sleep!

    It was a baby sleep audio program recommended by a friend that finally saved us. We followed the advice and began by creating a baby sleep routine which included bathtime, dimming of the lights, putting Paul into his crib, final nappy change and then lullabies. We also made recommended changes to his naps during the day and used some of the other recommended techniques. Within two weeks he was sleeping through the night most nights with just the odd night where he would just wake once!

    Definitely start by creating a good baby sleep routine though and you could find that solves most of your baby sleep problems.

    Good luck!

    If you want to take a look, the audio program is at

  3. I have no clue why you could have gotten thumbs down for that answer. :( The answer seems to be very thorough, and gives good explanation of your answer to the question. Someone was probably just having a bad day. Seemed to me like it should have gotten "best answer' instead of thumbs down. Sorry - you did good though.  

  4. I think everything you list sounds very reasonable to me and I have the same expectations of my sitter.  

  5. You probably got thumbs down because you seem to be a real....well, I would not want to work for you, put it that way. You expect way too much. For me, anyway.

    I babysit all the time, and no parent has ever given me instructions that strict. The only instructions I really get are to have the kids in bed by a certain time, what to feed them if they get hungry, and what to do when they need to potty (if they're young).

  6. probably because you sound serious. some people take it as a joke but it's not. there are things that need to be done and children that need to be watched

  7. You got thumbs down because a) you expected a lot from your sitter (and the thumbs down were from young sitters most likely) and b) because you were very pragmatic about being a 'Mom" (and the thumbs down could also be from young kids who don't like so much control)

    Relax.  It was a good answer, and gave a lot of good information.  

  8. everybody usually gets at least one thumbs down.......i hate that option....a lot of ppl just give a thumbs down just because. but meh, whatever.

  9. I can't figure that out. That seems like what I would expect. Only difference is I would allow more computer time because my kids are older and play together most of the time. I wouldn't thumb ya down, I agree with you! People are weird. :)

  10. Probably because your demands sound more like what you would expect out of a live-in nanny or something, not a part-time babysitter.

    I agree with most of your list, but you probably got a thumbs down because:

    - It's not always easy to have the child clean something when you're not the parent. I can understand expecting the house to be in a similar condition to how it was when you left, but asking to clean the bathroom or an incredibly messy bedroom while you're gone might be overboard. You should have had the child do that before you left.

    - While I don't think the sitter should be reading or surfing the internet all day, do YOU play with the kids ALL day? Sometimes you need a break for at least 10 mins. of "adult time". So, saying "I like her to play with the kids the whole time..." probably got you a thumbs down.

    - If you have young sitters, which it sounds like you do, they feel uncomfortable pulling a price/hr out of their head. THey have no idea what they should get paid. If they could tell you, they'd pick about $15 an hour. lol. So don't be offended if they don't feel comfortable telling you. Just have a decent number in your head, and see if she'll agree to it or if she wants more .

  11. Ehh I wouldn't give you a thumbs down for your list..  BUT..  I wouldn't expect a sitter to sit there and see MY child clean her room, and the bathroom..  And it did kinda seem as if you wanted the sitter to do housework, at least that's how I took it..  I personally expect a little mess to come home to, I know my 3yo is a little worldwind of energy, and I would rather a small mess knowing she was attended to the whole time, than it neat and nothing played with.

    But I hear ya about the emails, myspace, and snacks LOL..  We had this problem in the past, and she doesn't watch my dd anymore...  IDK, it's hard to find someone that's perfect..  Just be good to my kids, that's all I ask, protect them when I'm not around, and show them attention and I will treat you like gold!

  12. well either the person being a jerk :)

    or they misunderstood your first direction and thought you meant they would need to be a maid

    that's all i can come up with... i think your list was quite reasonable

  13. LOL

    It's so funny you took the thumbs down so personally

    Get over it, it's the internet.

  14. I don't like to generalise but people are idiots

  15. marvinator summed it up very well in my opinion. to give a thumbs down I would think the person doesn't think you should expect any work from a sitter when you are paying them

  16. maybe cuz some sitters are lazy and dont do their job... ur expectations are reasonable ur leaving ur children with this person. anyone who expects less or is upset with this doesnt care who their children go with.

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