
Why did I have a ghost encounter?

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well one time I was at a camp and and a girl I met there told me there was a ghost at the camp because the camp used to be a battle field 200 years ago and the ghost used to be a nurse for the soldiers in the battlefield, but she got killed by a bomb. And one night I was in my bunk at the camp and I woke up in the middle of the night and I sware I was awake and a saw a string with a needle tied to the end of it floating in the air coming from nowhere, and as soon as I tried to put my hand through it it disapeared! I knew it was the nurse cause back 200 years ago if a solider was wounded a nurse would sew the wound with a needle and a string attached.




  1. Some ghost just try to communicate with the other side, this spirit may be trying to tell you something about his/her death. Most of the time in a place where a people died either tragically, accidentally, naturally, took their own life, YOU NAME IT it has a high rate of being haunted and most of the time spirits try to tell a human about their death or rape or conviction [ etc.]. Has anybody else seen anything like what you saw, because if they didn't then [a] this spirit could feel attached or linked to you or [b] you could be a channel. Ask some friends who were there with you.

    I also stayed at a haunted camp once. One time I was sleeping up on my bunk [ I had top Ericka had bottom] and I felt hands pushing down on my feet like they were trying to get up and when I looked down everyone was sleeping. Yeah it could have been someone messing with me but you would have heard someone running or you would have at least heard breathing. It was dead silent. Then another time I was on my bunk and right by my head I felt a hand push down part of the mattress. Again dead silent, everyone was sleeping do the math [ not being mean] And then this thing with my bag, we went sledding and I had my bag hanging over the rail on the bunk and when we came back in it was on Erica's bunk [ bottom bunk.} She was like " Cayden I don't really appreciate you putting your things on my bunk" and I was like I didn't put it there. The maid won't even go into the coal mine anymore because she says it is haunted. When we were down there I heard this loud bang from RIGHT behind me. No one else heard it. And then when we got our pictures developed there was like a bunch of clear white circles in all the Cole mine pictures. They are called orbs they are spirits but I guess energy when they get ready to manifest. Something happened there I know it, So yeah something could just be trying to tell you something

  2. Ghosts can sometimes communicate with you better in dreams.  It sounds like a dream to me, but a gentler way of letting you know she was there, maybe.  It is hard to say until you know for sure that the area is haunted.  You could have been just dreaming because you heard the story and it scared you.

  3. Your mind is a powerful thing, it is possible that it projected this image into your vision, you were dreaming, or there was actually a spirit there.  There is no real good reason why unless you believe your mind projected it.


    Interesting the same question was posted by two different accounts.  I'M TELLING!

  5. You were in a bunk. It's obvious what was going on. Don't you get it? The girl above you was in with the girl that told you about the ghost. It was a trick to try and scare you. And plus, you were probably in a sort of daze from having woke up, so that's why it appeared to have vanished. Think about it, and you'll probably realize this (not to sound mean or anything).

  6. I think Heather was right. It was the girl above you holding down a threaded needle..just for fun. That's what camp is about! Or, it could have been a spider starting it's web. When you hit at them they disappear (probably into your hair). I believe in the paranormal...but this sounds too much like your friends were having fun. They probably do it every year..and probably had someone do it to them. You'll probably do it to someone too. It gets past down from camp generation to camp generation. If you had seen an image of the nurse..that would be completely different.

  7. maybe you were sleeping where somone died then she operated on there woons befor they died.

  8. may be because it knew you were scared

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