
Why did I miss my bus?

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Why did I miss my bus?




  1. may be because you were late to the bus stop

  2. Because it was just not meant to be

  3. You were LATE.  If a bus is as much as 1 second late leaving the stop they can be heavily fined by the Transport Inspectorate.

  4. Sorry But this rates as one of the top 3 stupidist questions I have seen on here. Really  

  5. Obviously because it was early

  6. Your emotionally attached to a bus? That's hot ;]

  7. You didn't aim straight enough.

  8. cause you're dumb

  9. cause you slept in you lazy sod

  10. Urrrm because you wernt there when it was  

  11. Probably, because you thought the bus driver was psychic and could read your mind, so you didn't bother to put your hand out.

    If more than one service uses your stop, you have to tell the driver that you want his/her bus. Put your hand out!!!!.

  12. because i gave your bus driver some mullah to skip your house
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