
Why did I receive 5 blu-ray discs in the mail from Buena Vista Entertainment?

by  |  earlier

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A package came to my door today. It was from Buena Vista Home Entertainment and it was addressed to me. Inside were 5 blu-ray discs.

I was shocked. I don't even own a blu-ray player! I didn't ask for these and I've never even heard of Buena Vista.

I did a Google search and found this site.

It looks a lot like what I got. All five movies I received were on that list.

Does anyone know what is going on here?

Thanks! Remember, best answer gets 10 points!




  1. im not sure but when i got my ps3 at circuit city you would get 5 blu ray movies free mailed to you but u needed to fill out sheet and give the reciept id sell the dvds if you dont have a blu ray player sell the movies theyre like 30 dollars a piece

  2. Don't look a gift horse in the mouth or someone sent it to you. if it is address to you then it is yours. You did not steel it so be happy get a blu ray player good luck.

  3. Contact them and ASK.

    I once received a package from BMG Music Service and it was addressed to the college kids in another apt who fraudulently used my name to open an account and USPS here is good enough to see my name and send it to me...

    You don't have to return them as I understood but you can.

    Second idea is that you are about to RECEIVE A PRESENT? A Blu-ray player, perhaps?

    Own a new X-Box? BINGO! You should be able to watch them!

  4. Perhaps a friend of yours used your name and address for a second or third submission of the five free Blu-ray rebate promotion since it's supposed to be limited to one per household.

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