
Why did I write this way?

by  |  earlier

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I clearly remember in my kindergarten years, writing on a page in my notebook but would ONLY use the top line of the page...if the sentence or group of sentences we were asked to write did not fit on that line alone, I would use the next page. I would never fill up the whole page. I remember feeling that I'll "get in trouble" if I filled up the whole page...which doesn't make sense...what does this mean? I've always wondered about this.




  1. hmm that's really weird.. we all have habits like that or little paranoia's almost.. but i don't know about that one specifically... and that is a little large.. i guess.. of a thing to do for a weird reason

  2. you werent educated about writing in kindergaten

  3. Procrastination, the fear of completion. Most likely the condition came from one or both parents and has turned itself into an OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder). The condition is based on the amount of anxiety reacted to. A sort of reaction food. Eliminate the anxiety and all will be o.k. Although that's easier said than done! There is a symptom of a desire to be selfish in the expressions concerning yourself. You may begin by taking an inventory of your virtues and give yourself the credit.

  4. the only one who can answer this question is you .................

    ask yourself ...................... wt the whole filled up page look bad ???

    may be it is a sign 4 something .............

    like ................ i dont like to be responsible 4 a big work

    or it makes u  feel that u achieved much more work ..........

    i dont know

    but i think that we will find out when u look deeper in your mind

    after all body will know about u more than u .

    i hope i have helped .................. : )

    see u

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