
Why did Jason Giambi shave his moustache?

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Are baseball players really so superstitious that they think stuff like this will help them play better?




  1. becaus he was hitting less than .200 in the last week or so with it. .189 exactly

  2. well giambi is   he even wore a thong when he was in a slump

  3. he was in a slump and wanted to get in the allstar game

  4. All you need to know is that not only did he have a moustache he wore a golden thong to break his slump.  Giambi said that there were no more hits in his moustache.

    Yes baseball players are that superstitious.  From fried chicken before games to pitchers jumping over the foul line, players are just nuts.

  5. somebody prbly told him it looked bad

  6. It sounds like you've already made up your mind that the answer to your question will be ridiculous.  Anyway, Giambi was in a slump, so he shaved it to break out of the slump.  He immediately went 3-4 with a there.  There are already folks campaigning for him to grow it back out (  In fact, on the TV broadcast of that post-shave game, I clearly saw two women holding a "Bring Back the Stache" sign.  They also had on fake moustaches.

  7. Because he looked like the most haggard 70's pornstar ever to grace the earth.

  8. he wore it to get out of a slump and now he got back in 1 so he shaved it

  9. who cares?

  10. Yes....yes they are, wouldn't you be superstitious if you had money hanging on the line in incentive bonuses as well.  Look it's human nature to be a little superstitious in life, doing the same thing everyday because you had a good day, etc.  It's always been part of the game and talk to anyone who's played baseball for any amount of years and they all will have some kind of superstition they did, h**l to this day when I play Men's League Softball I refuse to step on the chalk lines.

  11. Baseball has always been a superstitious sport. Players tend to go through the exact same hand motions when coming up to bat, before they go to the game, eat the same thing during playoffs, etc. Another big thing is no one talks to a pitcher when he's got a no-hitter going. The funny thing is it's more of a fear that being not superstitious will be the problem.

  12. Its just a clever rouse he has to divert suspicion off him while he is using steroids and HGH.  He stacks and cycles the steroids.  He knows when he will be locked in because it co-insides with the drug testing.  He allegedly shaved his mustache because he was not doing well again (in a slump) but in fact he wasnt doing well because he had to lay off the steroids because of testing.  When the testing was over, he WILL grow another mustache (mark my words) and start hitting up a storm.  Watch and C.  Its a routine he has.  

    After peeps were grossed out with that thong thing, he decided to try the mustache.  Those asses at yankee stadium handed out thousands of fake mustaches as they chanted support the stache.

    It makes me sick to my stomach to see how the yankee organization. supports that steroid user/ abuser  and it gives the yankees a bad name.

    He should just go away.

  13. because Jason Giambi looks like a douche with it on.

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