
Why did Jehovah's Witnesses join the United Nations promoted NGO when the claim it is a Wild Beast?

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With the scorn and hatred they showed for the UN, you would think that they wouldn't want to have anything regarding their organization associated with the UN. But recently it came out that they indeed became members of the NGO Non-Government Organization-which means they were required to promote knowledge of the principles and activities of the United Nations and disseminate information about the United Nations and its work to their constituencies.

They even included quotes from the UN in the Watchtower! How hypocritical is that? Then when it came out they denied knowing the conditions and had their membership withdrew.

How sad is that?




  1. Promoted?

    Perhaps the questioner can give an example of what he considers "promotion" of the United Nations by Jehovah's Witnesses. Before, during, and since the supposed "promoting", Jehovah's Witnesses continued to publicly denounce the ungodly nature of the UN.

    The matter concerning "Watchtower" and its NGO status is discussed quite thoroughly (with supporting document images) at this website:

    Interestingly, the remarkable conspiracy theories of anti-Witness critics fail to explain any possible benefit to Jehovah's Witnesses from any NGO "alliance". Before, during, and since the supposed "alliance", Jehovah's Witnesses continued to be widely persecuted in dozens of countries. Before, during, and since the supposed "alliance", the UN continued to be consistently unsympathetic to religious persecution.

    Learn more:

    Interestingly, this questioner has also recently asked "Why do the majority of Blacks always Steal?". Outrageous bigotry!

  2. I remember Watchtower articles with pictures of the Harlot of Revelation, and the claim that the Harlot was Christendom (Christianity) mixing with politics....

    Wrong Bobby....look at the links

  3. Its about the money!

    Attention Hot  -

    I thought that personal attack was not something you engaged in??

    But it is obvious the question has touched a tender spot in your demon.

    Of course the WTB&TS joined.. it opens doors to ministry, to brainwashing, in someway and another and the UN is paid and looks the other way.

    Liars - they are !! Any material is justification and manipulation of the fact that previously the WTB&TS would not have done this thing.

    The same type of "transformation" took place under Rutherford after Russell died.

    Another Question... Does this mean individual JWs can join Humane endeavours of the UN now?

  4. Hello.  Earlier today I was reading a question and answer's about JW's being Schizophrenia (spelling right?) and Manic Depressive, but I know that's a lie because if that were true they wouldn't be able to answer so intelligently.  Like right here.  These Jehovah Witnesses are smart and wise people.  Achtung Heiss is correct about the asker wanting to participate in black question's and answer's.  I saw one of her answer's on a black question "Why black women love white men?"  She must have hatred toward the blacks.  That is not wise, but foolish.  I want to be with the wise one's.  Jehovah God did say "Not to be foolish."

    Edit:  Achtung I did follow your link, but the person asking, deleted her question.  Isn't that funny, ha, ha, ha.

  5. NOtice the word non governmental organization.  I have been a Jehovah's witness for over 20 years and never have I heard at any assemblies or meetings anything about the united nations in the context of supporting it at all.  in fact we pay taxes even if we know they are illegal (unconstitutional) or used in wrong ways because romans 13. Jesus himself said pay to ceasar things to ceaser and God's things to god. this was in response to a question of paying of taxes, other than that if you have read our book the book of revelation, it goes over the book verse by verse, using other areas of the bible to help show what the symbols mean.

    So we don't support the united nations and i have no idea where that idea came from.  but there are people who used to be Jehovah's witness and who were dissfellowshipped but continue to say they still are. be aware it takes alot to be disfellowshipped we just don't do that on a whim.

    the united nations is not God's kingdom on earth.  It is the idol of christedom who is a major portion of the harlot riding the scarlet colored wild beast (united nations). Christedom is also described as the antitypical israel.  it is committing spiritual adultery.  It claims to represent the God of the bible so God takes her at her word and will punish her first.

    but the law did require that we have a corporation for the legal oversight of our organization, this is only used as a legal tool, not the main part of the organization. We obey ceaser when it doesn't conflict with God's laws.  That is why many were killed in n**i Germany, aka purple triangles, they refused to go into the military, they were willing to do non military chores but not the making of bombs or guns or whatever.  But that wasn't enough, hitler wanted utter control.

    wikipedia has all the type of tags and such used on prisoners color and patterns showing what they are there was the jews, the black triangle those to die, forgot what they used for homosexuals.  there were alot. prisoners that were criminals or dissenters that sorta thing. I googled wikipedia and then typed in I think it was flags or purple triangle, not sure. but it is there.

    And we have only one official website all others are phonies, you can read it for yourself and see it has no references to promoting the un resolutions, treaties or ideology. we only refer to in dealing with bible prophecy. United nations will go off into destruction according to the bible, in fact it will rule only for one hour. very short time compard to other governments.


  6. Jehovah's Witnesses quote things but doesn't mean they agree with it.  Or that they are in that organization.

    They are neutral as to politics.  so they don't take part in any thing that has anything to do with the government.

    Except maybe to quote something they said.

  7. (I'm going to repost my response to John S' similar question)

    So many people here who are "new to the truth" or just studying do not understand how the Organization of JWs has bastardized and lambasted the UN for so long.. calling it the "Beast" and the churches who support it "Harlot"... and oh the imagery in their publications...

    this is why Jehovah's Witnesses who have some time under their belts were in such an uproar over the Guardian's story. Here was absolute proof their beloved Organization was involving herself in the very same thing she'd for years ripped on other religions about, in essence, becoming the Harlot right along with the rest of them. Many, many letters poured into the Society's headquarters demanding answers. The rank and file was outraged that their pure society, who demanded so much from them in their personal lives, was living a lie by their involvement in the UN. and such a huge lie, at that.. you just can't understand unless you were involved for a long time early on.. just how hated the UN was to the JWs.. their literature ripped at it every chance it got.. so this was BIG.

    but it's very true the Society knew just what they were doing when they became involved as an NGO because to do so, you must absolutely know the rules or the organization is not allowed to join. (Part of those rules are that the organization that joins must support the mission of the UN!) there is also a yearly renewal process, where they make sure the organization that's joined is living up to the agreement. The Society of JWs knew exactly what it was doing when it was joining the UN, they're not stupid, don't let them try to fool you and say "we didn't realize." there is not one thing they do that isn't well orchestrated from the top down.

    Why would they do such a thing? for legitimacy, perhaps? to gain leverage in countries where their teaching is forbidden? But they've asked brothers to DIE to preach the word, to not get ID cards that would've lightened their load, prevented them from being macheted to death.. and here they are, joining the UN????? It's difficult to express the shock and outrage and no one who hasn't been a JW can ever understand how hard this is to stomach..

    I sense you're a little outraged, too, as every JW who's answered here should be, as well.

    Edit: As for the JW posters here who say they joined just to use the UN library and facilities, well, the average JW who wants to join the YMCA to use the gym is forbidden because it's "involving themself in false religion." it's the same thing. The WBTS has involved itself in heresy by joining just to use the facilities of the UN, like any JW would do by joining the YMCA to use the treadmill. same thing.

    of course, it's natural for a currently involved JW to want so very much to believe it's ok.. because for it not to be ok would rip at the foundation of their belief system. Hence you find all the justifying above.

    Edit:  RMRRR below, you should take the time to check this out.  this is pertinent to the organization you give your life to, after all.  and you know as well as I do the UN is HATED by Jehovah's Witnesses, it's the Wild Beast, after all...

    besides, if the Society can benefit from paying dues to use facilities, the average JW should be able to use the treadmill at the local YMCA, after all, they're just using gym facilities, not worshipping... same analogy.  think about it.

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