
Why did Jerome Corsi, author of Obama Nation claim 9/11 was a conspiracy?

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Before you respond, take a minute to read these sources and verify that they are legitimate -- wikipedia has all the citations listed correctly. I made sure it was all there.

"Secretly, the Bush administration is pursuing a policy to expand NAFTA politically, setting the stage for a North American Union designed to encompass the U.S., Canada, and Mexico. What the Bush administration truly wants is the free, unimpeded movement of people across open borders with Mexico and Canada.

-- article "Jerome Corsi on the planned North American Union", Human Events (2006-05-19)

"...his was the first time WND had found a major intellectual leader behind the push to integrate North America suggesting that a crisis of 9-11 proportions might be just what was needed to advance the process toward establishing a North American Union and the amero.

--article, "North American Union leader says merger just crisis away", WorldNetDaily (2006-12-15)

The article alleges that 9/11 was used to expand NAFTA to build a trade empire with Mexico and Canada

****Citation for quotes:


He quoted that 9/11 was a conspiracy, and dynamite was used in detonating the twin towers.


Here is a video of him on the Alex Jones saying dynamite was used to blow up the twin towers, because "high concentration iron spheres were found in the wreck by a scientist" (which popular mechanics disproved and called "simply wrong"):

So, can someone tell me why 9/11 was a conspiracy, and why Bush used it to expand NAFTA? Hey, I didn't say it-- Jerome Corsi did (again, read the sources before you post).




  1. the man is a nutjob

    I didnt need his books to know Kerry and Obama are both bad choices

  2. I had never heard of Corsi before.  I have watched and read Alex Jones.  It really doesn't seem too far fetched that the government would sacrifice 3,000 lives as a means to an end.  Look at history.

  3. Because it was a conspiracy by someone either way you slice it. BTW, Popular Mechanics didn't disprove anything. Their work on this subject is incredibly shoddy and sensationalist. Read DR Griffin's "Debunking 9/11 Debunking" to see the extent of their distortion and just plain bad research. I guess when you are steering your research toward a pre-ordained conclusion you have to do what you have to do. I don't know if I necessarily agree 100% that 9/11 was allowed/perpetrated primarily to advance the NAU, but I can see why he would believe that a crisis would help advance such an agenda. Who knows. Only a real investigation will bring out the full the truth about what happened on 9/11..

  4. Nut-jobs quote nut-jobs. If you are trying to drum up "hits"for Corsi...forget it. Even the Swift-boaters who were a bunch of liars anyway backed off from this flying monkey.

    Corsi makes money from his wild and kwazy things he says! He admits it or he did about the racist and anti-catholic stuff.

    This is one of those sham marketing deals. To get the book up the New York Times list ...They have right-wing groups buy them at a deep discount by the thousand near cost. Many of his books are being given away for subscriptions or memberships. It doesn't take many thousands to get on the Best Seller List (Americans don't read).

    After it gets on the Best Seller List come the legitimate sales and invitations to the Main Stream talk shows (not Fox) etc etc etc...

    Anyhow, thought I'd let you know about this marketing scheme. I thought it was interesting when I found out how some "strange" books were on the "Best Seller List". (They count # of books sold not price)

    I would say this guy was crazy...but since he is teamed up with Mary Matalin as his editor, I would have to say that he is working with the Rove bunch to pick off the less intelligent Republican "leaners". Matalin is a confidante of Cheney and of the inner circle. She is involved in the propaganda machine so Corsi is either being used or has produced what they asked him to write.    

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