
Why did Jessie Taylor get kicked off the UFC show?

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I missed that episode.




  1. for being a drunk dumb *** and kicking the window of a limo

    also harrasing some chicks and saying he was a ufc fighter wich he wasnt

  2. He was representing the UFC in a bad way, which Dana warned all the fighters not to do.

    Him and a few other guys went "out on the town" after the semi-finals and he got really drunk. He ended up kicking out the window of the limo and harassing people shouting "Do you know who I am? I'm in the UFC!" Which for one, he's not; for two, that's not how a fighter should be portrayed.

    He really upset Dana so he kicked Jesse out and told him he wouldn't be able to handle the fame and attention once he actually is a UFC fighter.. he did tell him to give the UFC a call when he shapes up/sobers up though.

  3. Because hes a looser and got drunk. Kicked out a the window in a UFC limo and went to a hotel and started harrasing some chicks and started ranting about how hes a UFC fighter.

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