
Why did Jesus fast for 40 days?

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Why did Jesus fast for 40 days?




  1. Because he thought he needed to drop a few robe sizes.

  2. Probably ran out of cash and the social services were fed up bank rolling him. So he had no money for food and his mates were fed up with feeding him.

    That is as good a reason as any; he didn't work for a living like normal people.

    The bible made up a story to cover up what a dosser he was.

  3. He didn't. There is no indication that he ever did that (except in the bible)

  4. he was awesome...

    sorry i lied, i don't know

  5. He went out into the desert to be closer to God and he didn't want food or any material things to get into his way of loving God..

    I'm not religious...I was just raised Catholic.  

  6. If you read your Bible you will find many things happen in periods of 40 (days, weeks or years.) Always the number 40.  Also in this century, we have the 40 years (2000 to 2039) when the Church and the world will experience very great sufferings.

  7. God incarnates in human form are predestined to live human lives and learn and do what human do, but in an ideal Godly manner for the human beings to follow.  Though they are endowed with all powers of God and as Son of God, the life on earth starts like a human being but the spiritual achievements are achieved at a faster pace considering the single incarnational period.  Therefore, all powers are accrued in the course of the life.  21 days and 40 days are few of the fasting periods required inorder to achieve certain siddis (mystical boons).  In particular, 21 days may be considered as period for achieving the power for curing people by touching.  I am not sure whether Lord Jesus Christ had done it or not, but if he did, then it is only setting an example how and what to do in life for spiritual emancipation and ideal human living and achieve higher grounds of spirituality.  At the same time to acquire those powers and fulfill  what he had incarnated in human life for.  You can see that Lord Krishna went to Sannipani Maharishi for learning, though in himself is considered as incarnation of Mahavishnu. He was also guided at places by many Maharishis(saints) how to go about in certain aspects.   To conclude, God in human form incarnations also have to discharge their human duties and obligations and Dharma while in human life, a fasting is only a pointer towards this end.  

  8. Probably to show us that we can have power over temptation.

  9. He was on an extreme diet

  10. He needed to lose weight. Too much wine at parties.

  11. he thought he was fat

  12. i believe it was to test his own limits.

  13. To prepare Himself for the spiritual warfare He was about to engage against Satan.

  14. May be either he  or his subjects did not have enough to eat or he was sick.!

    Now it is too late for any one to ask him or find out what was in his mind .when he fasted for 40 days only during his entire life

  15. following what Moses is practicing

    didnt Jesus said that he come not to abolish the Torah

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