
Why did Joe Biden have to quit the 1988 Presidential race? ?

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Answer: Plagiarism




  1. It wasn't his time yet.

  2. Oh wow, something he was accused of 20 years ago that happened maybe 40 years ago in college. Oh yeah, you have quite the case there don't you.

    Wtf. Who the h**l is the same person they were 20 years ago? Or 40 for that matter if you are old enough?! People are able to grow as a person and learn from their mistakes in that period of time. I'm certainly not the same person, nor making the same mistakes, as I was 20 years ago. How about you?

    (P.S. And while taboo...plagiarizing didn't exactly harm anyone. Important things to be concerned with are like what Bush has done.)

  3. He was caught plagiarizing, copying others' speeches.  He hasn't had an original thought since.

  4. McCain/Eagleton 08...Thomas Eagleton that is!

    I give them two weeks!

  5. Looking for proof.....none.

  6. Wasn't Bush still using cocaine in 1988?

  7. That was 19 years ago! It's not even relevant. But I can tell you why Palin should drop out of the race. That IS relevant!

  8. Biden was filmed repeating a stump speech by British Labour Party leader Neil Kinnock with only minor modifications.  He had used it before and claimed that he had given credit to the author when he wasn't filmed, but had failed to do so this time.

    Further investigation revealed that Biden, during his first year at Syracuse University Law School in 1965 got an an “F” in an introductory class on legal methodology.  He apparently relied way too much on a Fordham Law Review article for one of his papers.

    Although the Board of Professional Responsibility of the Delaware Supreme Court ruled that Biden had violated no rules or laws, he had already resigned and his candidacy was already a disaster.  Dukakis became the nominee.

  9. I knew that! I wonder if he will be writing his own speeches or using someone elses.

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