
Why did Joe Torre call New York a crazy place?

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Why did Joe Torre call New York a crazy place?




  1. You really have to ask a question like this???  

  2. hes right

  3. Probably because of all the media and pressure from the fans when he was the Yankees (and Mets) manager. Plus, Joe Torre's a Brooklyn native.

    New York can be a bit nuts, but I couldn't imagine being from anywhere else. This heart will pump Brooklyn and New York blood until the day my number is called.

    New York is the greatest city in the world, hands down.

  4. An interesting question considering he's in L.A.

  5. it has the reputation

  6. The question that you asked is indicative of the problem.  

    Every little thing that you say or do is under the microscope of national media attention, hundreds of local correspondents and then the public, with varying levels of expertise, who have access to many public forums.

    It is crazy!!

  7. Because it is

  8. It's a zoo, Roberto.

  9. You've obviously never been to Boston.

  10. Joe was just being nice.  

  11. try to hail a cab there in the middle of the night LOL

  12. I take you never been to new york city..? It's a CRAZY place. Everything is fast. everyone has a hustle. It is open 24 hours a day.

  13. Because it is. But its the best city in the world with the best team in the world.

  14. Hello, because it is. Why do new yorkers get offended by that?

  15. He's been there.

    He's not wrong.

  16. Because it is a crazy place to live in

    It's not that clean, it's crowded, and it's loud

    I lived in NY before and now we moved to Chicago which I think is much better

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