
Why did John F. Kennedy and his New Frontier raise such high expectactions? To what extent were those met?

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Why did John F. Kennedy and his New Frontier raise such high expectactions? To what extent were those met?




  1. his administration was looked at by many as a sign of change...for the better. i mean, look at Kennedy and his administration. at 35, he was the youngest president ever and his adviser's were looked upon as the youngest and brightest.

    Kennedy was quite influential in:

    1. the peace corps

    2. the civil rights movement...he sent u.s. marshal's to places like Selma, AL to protect African Americans from the wrath of the KKK and such...the FBI was also directed to investigate civil rights violations. no longer, were such violations investigated by the local sheriff/police departments and swept under the rug. these same violations now came and under Federal law enforcement

    3. the space program

    4. some people believe he would have pulled combat troops out of south Vietnam

    5. most importantly, he made Americans proud to be Americans. Kennedy made Americans feel that it was a privilege to their country it was no longer a job, which had to be done.

    due to his assassination, to what extent, these expectations met will always be controversial

  2. JFK made bold promises such as ending poverty,sending people to the moon and back.He raised expectations for Americans.He said the 60s would be a new beginning for America.Unfortunately his expectations weren't realised in such a short time in office. He was President for only a thousand days.

  3. It was only sixteen years from the end of WWII, plus the intervening years of the "red scare" with "McCarthysm", the atomic bomb and other conformities of the 1950s made many people anxious to see a different decade with the sixties. This was really the first generation that grew after the depression of the thirties, the war against n**i Germans and Imperialist Japanese, and the first under nuclear bombs and television. No wonder how anxious there were. Yet the sixties will prove a disappointment: war in Vietnam, "generation gap" between old and young, drugs, race riots, political assassinations and other abnormalities.

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