
Why did John McCain discriminate against me?

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I'm on the local school board here in Whizbang, Iowa and I believe in Jonah and the Whale and that Noah had two Tyranasaurus Rex's on his Ark. So...did he just pass over me because I'm not a woman?




  1. Clearly.

    Either that or you have no Earthly clue what you're talking about or Palin's true position on evolution.  Buy hey, whatever.  Good luck with your school board political career.

  2. YES!

    answer mine:;...

  3. its not just you. He also hates g**s.

    vote Obama if you want equality.

  4. My guess is that he discriminates against people who ask intellegent questions like yours.

  5. I agree with the other answer, Cristina

    Are you g*y?, if so that's why.... or maybe it's because you're a man....

  6. I'm sure that was the reason.

  7. No he passed over you because you try to be a comedian . and because you ask such stupid questions.

  8. I can understand Dems murdering and hating babies, they can't vote. But I cannot figure out why all of a sudden, the Dems have developed this hated of seniors and women.  These people have to be McCain supporters. Even Democrats are not stupid enough to alienate  the two largest voting blocks in the county.

  9. He did not like yer youth.  He devours whipper snappers...except for Obama, he seems to be choking to death on that one rather quickly.

  10. sorry but that question just makes no sense to me!

  11. He can only pick one VP nominee.  Maybe you can be Secretary of Education.  But I hear Forrest Gump has the inside track.

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