
Why did John McCain get cheers and clapping from the American Legion for outright lying to them?

by Guest63830  |  earlier

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In this recent video of John S. McCain speaking to the American Legion ( javascript:void(';_ylt=AsIsUAzAKAuWCk7kLCy4ukth24cA?ch=4226712&cl=9456984&lang=en ) he repeats over and over again that he has no plans to "privatize" the VA or healthcare for veterans... that he only wants to create a handy little card to take with them so they can go to a private doctor and not a VA Hospital so they won't have to drive as far...

That is like a mini-model of Universal Healthcare - but only for Veterans, Privatization is the next logical step because we can't afford the taxes for every Veteran to recieve care at the rates these private doctors will charge.

Does the American Legion not realize how full of c**p McCain really is?




  1. McCain is just preaching to the choir.

    The American Legion members are star stuck by McCain in the same way Brittany Spears' fans are with her and other celebrity shimmer.

      While many things need to be done to improve veterans benefits to change the "support our troops" BS,  (because all that has done is enrich the military complex businessmen) it's a very good thing to improve access to health-caree.

      McSame needs to put his money where his mouth is,  be honest with the American public and let us know where the tax dollars to pay for his new version socialist medicine!

  2. It is not something that every veteran is going to use exclusively; the problem is that there are fewer VA hospitals than there used to be, and some folks live quite far from them.

    These veterans are OWED this benefit, by this country, and this is the most reasonable method of giving them this benefit and relieving them of the hardship of having to travel great distances to receive it all the time.

    Your claim that it would somehow be unaffordable is not supported by any data. Because without data, your claim is just as much c**p.

  3. He is a fellow vet and they know he was speaking the truth. Peace

  4. "Wet Start" McCain

    "Songbird" McCain

    "Ace McCain"

  5. Every response to every question posed to McCain has to do with his being a POW in the Viet Nam War.  It is the same logic when using canned peaches to make hot salsa.  Go figure.  

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