
Why did John Mccain claim the Anthrax attacks after 9-11 may have come from Iraq?

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  1. I believe he said something like the pigeons told him about it. Ole McSnigglebum is really on something like maybe some retirement medicines some of them considered hallucinogens.

  2. He meant to blame Obama.

  3. Poor old John, he needs to up his meds and settle down in a VA retirement home where Cindy can visit him once a month.

  4. Wouldn't that be a logical conclusion? Or would Disney World make more sense?

  5. he should be subpeoned before congress to tell the American people just WHO WAS LEAKING that false information..

    although we already know, the same guy who leaked all the other false claims about iraq...d**k cheney

  6. Some people just wanted to attack Iraq so they tried to blame everything bad in America on Iraq so that when they attacked with no reason, it would SEEM like they had a reason.

  7. I suggest the public pronouncement of disinformation is a hazing ritual for the insiders of the Federal government. If done well enough, the rewards are certain. And the FCC media (MSM) parrot whatever the lawmakers desire, for the most part. That is just good business for corporate america. It is also good for those outsourced organizations that do a lot of business here and abroad, such as Anheuser-Busch. Way to support your wife, Senator.

  8. The guy who sent the Anthrax in the mail is called Dr Philip Zack, but for some reason the FBI just won't touch him.

    Let's face it, John McCain is already showing signs of dementia, they are just good at covering it up.

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