
Why did Jr. go behind the wall?

by  |  earlier

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I was at the track so it was impossible to keep up with everything but I seen Jr.'s perfectly good car on a tow truck.




  1. The left front splitter was broken off when he hit the inside wall.

  2. When he was hit from behind by Labonte it caused the left front of the car to hit the wall and the splitter was wedged underneath the concrete barrier and when they pulled it out it broke the splitter.

  3. i wuz there to. he got mashed up in the first wreck. my dad blocked the side the sun wuz on so i wuz in shadows. not even a tan!!

  4. in the wreck that 9 others were in front left damage and maybe he needed another AMP

  5. You must of been REALLY far away, because his car was far from "perfectly good" after he was involved in that wreck.

  6. He was in a wreck on lap 17 with Harvick and Stewart.

  7. The crash did a number on the splitter so they had to go behind the wall to fix it.  That was pretty much the only thing wrong with his car....darn it!

    Did ya have fun yesterday Tom?  It sure was a beauty of a day!

  8. Damaged the left front splitter ruined his day.

  9. Sorry I had to change my answer because II have come to realize that I was wrong. Jr got tagged by the 43 car and then the 29 car hit him as well.

    Denny didn't hurt Jr's car. Jr'scar was already hurt befor Deny made contact.

    I think the 43 and the 88 car got hung up and it damaged his spoiler.

  10. his ego got bruised

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