
Why did Justin Bieber retire

by  |  11 years, 2 month(s) ago

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Why did Justin Bieber retire?

The Canadian teen idol Justin Bieber announces his retirement. An artistic and vital decision that may be for the better.

Christmas brings unexpected gifts sometimes. On December 25, Justin Bieber announced via his Twitter account that he was leaving the stage. "My dear beliebers, I officially retirement." Six words that triggered an apocalypse of desolation and tears among the 48 million followers he has on this social network. Minutes later, the singer wanted to clarify and be clarified that "always there" even though the media, in their opinion, talk " much of it " to plunge. On December 17 he had dropped into a U.S. radio that the next album could be the last.

Retiring early is always a good idea. Work dignifies the work will set us free, but also alienates us. No one can doubt that Justin Bieber has worked hard - quoted - and very young, so that if at age 19 decided to retire to watch the sunset, we can only applaud this sovereign decision.

Moreover, there is an almost stoic, romantic beauty not to work, not to do anything unless absolutely necessary. Few examples of those who have left a lucrative business at the peak of their careers solely because it has seemed like a good idea, but all they have done around them is created an aura of omniscience that we are busy with the simplicities of life : others who retired in a familiar way, like soul singer Bill Withers, who preferred to stay away from show business to raise a family, so sullen retreats, as writer J. D. Salinger, and others politicized, as the promising footballer Javi Poves the disgust of opulence and emptiness of the world soccer elite mode.

Because only when one abandons its own initiative may provide the proper work of a sense of completeness. Retired, Justin Bieber may engage in the daily chores that also ennobled, or perhaps use his proven influence on youth for fair and philanthropic causes. Thus, further alienate the young Bieber is forever the danger of certain patterns of behavior that will follow the pop star.

 Tags: Bieber, Justin, retire


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