
Why did Kamikaze Pilots ware helmets?

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Why did Kamikaze Pilots ware helmets?




  1. Who Cares! An honorable nation and people now.

    Back then they were mainly a race of sick sadists.

    There is no rational explanation for the behavior of the deranged.

  2. Ha ha ha ha... Good Point!!  ROTFLMAO

  3. Actually, the pilots of the Japanese Empire did not wear helmets.  They wore tough leather caps lined with fur, and fitted with a band that covered the backs of their necks and their ears.

    Only the flight leader had radio equipment in his airplane, so only a few of them had headphones.  They wore the caps to keep their ears warm.

  4. so they dont get knocked out before they finish their job

  5. Why don't you post a link showing such a helmet?!

    As you know, almost no WWII pilots wore crash helmets.

  6. For communication purposes.

    They aren't "helmets" like they are to protect you against a crash....

  7. Hardly a day goes by that somebody doesn't ask that question.  5,883 times so far and counting.

    ANSWER: For the same reason skydivers wear helmets.  That's going to do a lot of  good if the chute doesn't open?  It's for the cold at high altitude and the kamikaze pilots wore a leather scull cap like thing that has earphones built into them.



  8. How would you feel if YOU were a Kamikaze pilot, bound by Japanese honor to fufill a mission.....and you get knocked out way before reaching your objective---because you hit your head hard on the plexiglass canopy.  You go out....the plane goes down and you FAIL....miserably.

    And believe it or not: that VERY thing has happened to Japanese Kamikaze pilots, afterwhich were ordered to wear helmets.  It meant everything to them to fully reach their objective goals.

    Illogically insane as Japanese Kamikaze pilots were, they took their missions seriously enough that failure was NOT an option; to them, failure meant extreme disgrace.

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