
Why did Kate McCann offer to take a lie detector test, but then reneg on it when an expert agreed to do it?

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Don Cargill, chairman of the British and European Polygraph Association, said the McCanns told him they would only take the test if it was 100 per cent accurate and admissible in a Portuguese court.

He told the Sunday Express: "Kate said she'd take it to prove her innocence but in reality, she wasn't willing.




  1. She probably realised how unreliable them stupid things are, if it made out she was lying there would be uproar and the media would go into one as they do, making something out of nothing because they dont have anything else to report about. They always blow stuff out of proportion and legally it wouldn't do her or her campaign any good.  

  2. I still state theres no smoke without fire.

  3. theres no such thing as 100% accurate on lie detectors, therefore by putting in this condition, she made the likelihood of her taking it minimal. remember they also put in conditions to the police when talking about possibly going back to do the reconstruction, conditions that couldnt be fulfilled leaving them with an excuse to get out of going. the whole thing was a pr exercise and it will soon, along with other things, be thrown  back in their faces

  4. She was probably advised against it by her lawyers. This is often the case with things like this.

    EDIT: Lie detectors are NEVER 100% accurate - this is probably why Kate McCann and/or her lawyers decided it wouldn't be sensible doing it.

  5. Methinks the strumpet has much to hide !!

  6. I honestly do think she was either too scared in case the lie detector test came out asayin she was lying, and it made a mistake. Or Kate was worries in case it in fact does come out she is lying. I think the McCans must have some sort of idea what is going on with their daughter or they have an idea about her abduction but at the same time I think they dont.  

  7. Would you. If you had been telling porkies

  8. They were probably advised by their lawyer not to do it or something. I have no idea why though.

  9. of course their lawyers told them not to take it


  10. Could you provide a link please?  I understood that Kate and Gerry McCann said they would take a lie detector test if asked to do so by the police.  They were never asked to do so.  I do know that they have been approached by various tv programmes to do so, but considered it inappropriate.  And so it is.  Madeleine McCann is a real child, missing, in sorrowful circumstances.  Her tragic situation isn't for public entertainment.

  11. Haven't a clue, but if it was to clear my name I would have....

  12. Lie detector tests are nowhere near 100% accurate and they can easily be affected by strong emotions.

    Therefore, a result from a polygraph test would be of no use in court, but may affect public opinion if it showed a false positive (i.e. showed she was lying when she actually wasn't). As was said above, she was therefore probably advised by a lawyer not to take it.

  13. I would have said that too in the heat of the moment.Then someone would have told her just how ambiguous the results can be and therefore of no real use so I reckon she was correct in her choice.It's actually possible to beat the test by tensing your bum muscles apparently.Seen it on a programme a while back.

  14. Simple ! A lie detector would be too hot to handle by the McCanns and it would show they were liars.

  15. Well, I believe there are many drugs like beta blockers about which can easily help someone to lie their way through a  polygraph.   Most doctors would be familiar with them, so..... I wouldn't place any great reliance on a polygraph taken by the McCanns or any of their friends.

    Not unless they took a drugs test at the same time.  

  16. There is plenty smoke without fire. My partner is  journalist so I know a little about that. Newspapers are there to sell papers..thats all so don't assume everything is accurate and truthful. The McCanns have won 2 lawsuits already. No-one knows what happened to that little girl and gossip about her family and parts of a case you know d**n all about is abhorrent

  17. Why should she take a lie detector test she or Gerry are not even suspects   The one person who should take one is that bungling liar of a detective Mr Amaral. However as he is now facing a number of charges made by the Portuguese police perhaps it will not even be necessary.  

  18. kate mccann has got no reason to lie.  

  19. Because regardless of being admissible in court it would have shown her for what she is but we don't need a lie detector for that

  20. polygraphs are rubbish, and have been repeatedly discredited.

    they show guilty people as innocent and innocent as guilty

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